Chapter Thirty-Five|I've Got Friends In Holy Spaces

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AN: Damn Dun



Today was the day. He was going to meet his doctor. Any second now, and he'd meet the only man left to cure him mentally enough to be with his real cure. His real happiness. Phil's emotions had never been so distraught. At first he was anxious, and then excited, and then sad, and then angry because it wasn't Dan, and then nervous again.

It didn't matter which one he was feeling now because it all led back to the lack of sleep last night, and guilt for not telling Dan about everything his mind was torturing him with. He was supposed to trust him completely, but he was just too caught up in the peace of this past week to ruin it.

Before Phil could scream in frustration at his change in mood again, a man wearing a NASA shirt and black skinny jeans walked through his door awkwardly. Along with his outfit he had a lab coat and piercings, which were two things Phil never saw together, and he had messy, dyed red hair on top of his head, but his sides were dark brown to match his almond shaped eyes.

He smiled and Phil got a glimpse of his perfect teeth through his perfect lips, ", Phillip. I'm Dr. Dun, but that sounds kind of stupid, so you can call me Josh."

Phil's blinked in shock as he stared at him. He couldn't exactly fathom that this was his new doctor. This was far from what Phil had expected. He was attractive--yes that was very clear to see, and utterly undeniable, but he wasn't Phil's type. Though he had a pretty much perfect everything, Phil probably wouldn't have given him a second look if he were to meet him in a different situation. And it all came to down to something as simple as: this guy was a top. Yeah, Phil didn't do tops.

"Huh, that's weird...I didn't think you were the silent type," Josh thought aloud, tilting his head to the side.

Phil grinned, "Oh, yeah? Why not?"

Josh raised his eyebrows as if surprised from the sudden confidence, "Well, your file is a hell of a mess after nine years, and most of the notes from past doctors portray you to be cocky and annoying. The note from your latest one, uh, Dr. Howell, says that you're flirty and sickly clever in inappropriate situations."

Phil laughed, "Right, of course. No one knows me better than my own boyfriend."

"Really?" said Josh.

Phil nodded, "Yep. But it was illegal and he had to get new patients. I bet you know a bit about that yourself?"

Josh smiled, "Ah, so you've heard. But Tyler and I were a lot more careful. We never got caught."

Phil shook his head, "You lucky ass cluckers."

Josh laughed, "Cluckers?"

Phil shrugged, "I don't know it just fell out of my mouth. I think I may use it from now on, though. Sounds quite rude."

Josh smiled as if settling into the situation, and finally took a seat in the one chair in Phil's room. Phil winced as it reminded him of the first time he met Dan, except this was less forceful and there was no sexual tension dwelling between them.

"Okay, Phil--as its says you prefer to be called--I know that you're getting used to the change of things, and as I've read, this past seven months has been quite the rollercoaster ride for you. I don't think I need to be specific to all the things that you've experienced. I just want you to know, that while it's obvious Dr. Howell would be a more comfortable person to talk to about all of this--I'm your new doctor now, and you can trust me with anything."

Phil smiled, "Wow, Dunny boy, way to get really sentiMENTAL. Haha, you get it? Because I'm crazy?"

Josh shook his head at the stupid pun, but laughed very loudly, "Yeah, I think I get it. This is going to be a very long two hours."

Phil chuckled letting his sanity drift off a bit as it sounded quite off putting but humorous, "Oh, Joshie Josh Josh, we're only getting started."


"I like the new doctor," Evan said as he laid back on his bed.

Phil nodded and laid down next to him--a now old habit, "Yeah, I like him too. He seems sweet."

Evan grinned, "And he's hot."

Phil chuckled, "Yes, agreed. But he's taken, and he's also a top. I am top number one, and no one can take that from me."

Evan laughed, "Now that's something I agree with."

Phil smiled and then suddenly was hit with a revelation causing him to sit up and stare at Evan confusedly, "Hold up, I thought you were straight...?"

Evan shrugged, "Of course I am. But like lowkey bisexual."

Phil laughed and pushed Evan playfully, "First of all, aren't we all? And second of all, what is that even supposed to mean?"

Evan shrugged yet again, "If a guys hot, a guys hot. There is no denial in that. But mostly I have a preference for girls because damn. Girls are beautiful and have titties."

Phil smiled, "I used to think you were cute, but now I know that you're secretly a whore."

Evan grinned, "Metaphorically."

Phil sighed, "This is a random question, but I've been wondering...why is it so difficult for the world to look past differences?"

Evan rolled his eyes, "Isn't it obvious? We're all human, but no one sees it that way. You're either them, or you're not. And if you're not, you better change."

Phil nodded, "But what if I like who I am?"

Evan shook his head, "Then be ready to be shamed for being proud."

"Why do we always slip into deep conversations like this?" Phil whispered.

Evan smiled, "Because we're all dying."


AN: I'm ngl anymore, I'm always thinking about Phil Lester's dick


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