Chapter Ten|Far Too Young To Die

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He was smiling; bright. The whole world around him was light, but his smile was the most blinding thing in the room. And I knew it was hurting me to watch him, but I did anyway as if unable to look away.

I felt invisible.

He wasn't smiling at me. He was smiling at Pj. And Pj smirked at me before he started to whisper sensually into Dan's ear.

Dan started to giggle, and he kissed him passionately.

It was sickening.

I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. I tried too; desperately.

Pj started to trail kisses down his neck.

I wanted to run.

But I was forced to watch the horrifying scene by some invisible power that wouldn't let me move.

He pulled his shirt off, exposing his bare chest, and started to do things I didn't want to know he ever did to him. Things that made Dan moan with pleasure.

I yelled out.

I don't want to see this.

Dan started to cry out how much he loved him. Calling his name.

I felt crushed.

I was paralyzed.


Why can't I leave? I want to leave.

This isn't right.

Stop, please.


Then, the unexpected happened.

I escaped.

I screamed like I was being tortured, and ran towards them like a bull.

Pj dispersed into nothing.

Before Dan could mutter a word, I took his breath away.

I started to strangle Dan.

His brown eyes bulged as my fingers clasped around his sensitive neck.


Dan was trying to say something back to me, desperately clawing at my hands around his neck, his eyes pitiful.

As if he was sorry for me.

He was kicking wildly trying to get away from me, but he couldn't. I shouted at him over, and over those same words:

'Don't you know how much I love you?'

The life started to fade from his beautiful eyes like old memories, and soon he stopped fighting me.

I was sobbing as I took his life ever so slowly.

I felt like I wasn't in control.

I whispered that I was sorry on repeat, but didn't stop.

Somehow, even though I was strangling him he managed to choke out a few sad words. It seemed impossible in the moment, but so did everything else. He stared at me with seemingly already dead eyes. His last sentence made my blood run cold.

"It's your fault I never loved you."


"PHIL!" Evan shouted at him, "Wake up, please. Phil, please wake up."

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