Unrequitted Love yet Happy ? (Taeyang-Big Bang)

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"Baby, I'm pregnant..", I told Mario, my husband.

"Whose child is it? That Korean hero of yours?", Mario asked.

What?! How could he say that?! I had only done it with him. Taeyang is just my friend. My childhood friend. Maybe I should have listen to Taeyang... Tears start to form in my eyes. Without saying anything I went up and slammed and lock the door.

"Bitch open the door now! You dare to show your attitude?!", Mario yelled making me nervous.

He can be very violent. I was always abused by him when he's angry. I dialed Taeyang's number and called him. I told him that Mario had gone berserk and I'm scared. My body could not stop shivering. I pulled knees up to my chest and sobbed quietly. He keep on shouting asking me to open the dower.

Mario slammed the door open using the dining table chair and I feel my heart drop to my stomach. I'm so frightened. I feel weak. He pulled my hair and yelled, "I'm talking to you bitch!!!! You dare to show your attitude to me huh!!!". He slapped my face and pushed me on the bed.

I could not stop crying. Is this the man I really loved? God, please save my child. Suddenly, Mario dropped to the floor and yelp in pain. There he was, Taeyang oppa! I ran to him and hugged him tightly. I felt Taeyang hold on me tightened.

"Let's go from here Maria", said Taeyang.

He grabbed my hand and we attempt to run. But my hair was pulled by Mario again. He got hold of me and threatened me with a knife.

"Mario.. Why? I'm your wife and I love you so much..", I sobbed.

"Oh really?! But the person I love is Peggy.", he laughed.

I could not stand this anymore. I pushed Mario away with all my might. I ran out of the house leaving Taeyang behind. I ran all the way to the downtown road.

"Maria. Stop!!! There's a truck. Maria!", Taeyang shout. I heard a honking sound before I feel my body slide up the truck and dropped back to the rough surface ground. I feel an extreme pain on my belly. My vision got blurry and soon I lose consciousness.

Taeyang was shocked by the bloody situation. He ran to where Maria was. He could not believe his eyes. Maria was drenched with blood all around her body.

"Someone call the ambulance please!!!", he cried. He can't stop crying. He hold tight to Maria's lifeless body.

One hour later

Taeyang waited for Maria outside the operating theater. Soon the doctor came out. He ran to him and asked. "Doc, how is she?!".

"Although her life is no longer in danger, she lose her baby. She lose to much blood. Her body can't take in much. She will be really weak when she regain consciousness. We tried our best to save the baby. But we fail. So I suggest don't pressure her when she wakes up. It might worsen her condition and it might led to death.", the doctor replied calmly.

"What?! She's pregnant?!".

"Yes. She's three months pregnant. Sir, please head down to the admin department. You need to sign the paper work for her admission.", said the doctor.

After settling the admission process he went to Maria's ward. She's in ICU (Intensive Care Unit). She's still weak. He took her hand in his and cried.

"Baby.. Sweetheart.. My dear Maria... Wake up dear. I need you baby. I don't care if you are married or gotten pregnant before but I love you.", Taeyang said.

"Ughh.", I could barely say.

I woke up feeling a painful sting on my belly. It's too painful that I yelped.

"Maria are you okay? I will call the doctor alright?", Taeyang said with sad looking eyes.

My baby.. I touched my belly and caressed it. Is my baby still in here. Why do I feel so empty? My heart started to feel uneasy. If really my baby is gone.. What should I do...? The baby is the only one left I have in my family.. If it's gone.. I started to sob. Tears flowing endlessly.

The doctor then came in with Taeyang oppa and asked"Ms Maria, how are you feeling right now?".

"I feel weak. I feel unwell. How's my baby doc? Is it okay?", I asked.

The doctor sighed and then replied, "I'm sorry Miss. Your suffered miscarriage. The fetus was affected when you were hit by the vehicle. The vehicle must have hit directly on your belly causing the pressure your womb. I'm so sorry Miss Maria.", said the doctor making me sobbed even harder.

Taeyang rushed over to my side and embraced me tightly. I cried on his chest and soon I feel vision became blurry. In less than 2 seconds I faint.

"Maria!", Taeyang yelled.

"Calm down sir. She's in shocked state. She just lost her child. It's pretty normal. I will inject some painkiller on her to induce the pain on her stomach. Do accompany her sir. Don't let her stressed out. Try to coax her..", the doctor said before leaving Taeyang with Maria.

Taeyang nod his head and then place one of his hand on your head and the other one intertwining on Maria's hand. He then kissed her forehead and tears flow out his eyes. He knew that his biggest mistake in life is allowing Maria to marry Mario. Mario is a playboy. He's a violent man. Knowing his past, Taeyang was unhappy when Maria chose to marry him. However, to make Maria happy, he had to agree. He don't want to hurt someone he love deeply.

'God, please let Maria be safe. That guy! He hurt Maria deeply. He's the caused of her miscarriage. He just lost his own child. It's okay Maria. I will take care of you really. I will make sure you divorced him. I will marry you and make you happy!', Taeyang whispered in his heart.

Five years later

"Appa! Where are you?", Taemin asked.

Taeyang scooped the boy up causing him to laugh out loud before kissing his dad's cheek.

"Baby, where's omma? Is she still in the toilet?", asked Taeyang after kissing his child cheek.

"Sweety! Are you okay? What's wrong?", Taeyang asked as he knocked the bathroom door.

He can't help feeling worried. Maria have been vomiting every morning and night ever since last week. He asked her to visit the doctor but she said no . She just said it might be common flu. So Taeyang decided to take care of her himself. After many knocks, there's still no response so he decided to kick the door open. To his horror, he saw his beloved wife fainted near the toilet bowl and there's blood on her legs.

He quickly carried her in bridal style to their shared bedroom and called the doctor to come. At the same time he tried to calm Taemin down who is now sobbing.

40 mins later

"What's wrong with her doctor?", Taeyang asked worriedly.

"Well, she's fine but she's 2 months pregnant sir.", announced the doctor. Taeyang cried tears of joy. He can't believe Maria is carrying his second child. He knew that persuading Maria to leave Mario was the right thing to do. He won't love her like he does right now. She stroke his wife chubby cheeks causing his wife to regain consciousness.

"Oppa, wae-yo?", I asked.

"Sweety, don't move around too much. You are pregnant babe.",he said making Maria feel delighted.

"Really?! That explains the symptom I have been having."

He hugged her tightly but still being cautious of her belly area. "Saranghae sweetheart!", he confessed before pulling away and leaning in close for a deep kiss.

"Eeeeeeeeeee.. Omma appa... Naughty...", said Taemin who is smiling cheekily.

"Ah.. Taemin-ah. Omma is carrying your little brother or sister in her tummy.", said Taeyang as her stroked your belly gently.

"Jinja?!!! Saranghae omma" Taemin said wrapping his arms around your belly gently.

Tears start to flow out. I know that this is tears of happiness. Happiness is something I do not need to worry about. I love my family so much.

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