Who lives, who dies, who tells your story |Steve Rogers x Reader|

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Amount of words: 1665

Warnings: i mean I'm using lyrics from Hamilton of course it's gonna be feels

Important A/N: I apologize for the long wait for requests. I am working on them it's just that lately I've been having a lot of school, orchestra, and church. I will be updating preferences and Fam Jam tomorrow and I might be able to get up one request tomorrow as well. Okay let's get on to the one-shot, shall we?

*Uses quotes from various songs from Hamilton*

*most lyrics are from act two so it'll get feelsy....especially since I accidentally went overboard with Burn. Oops.*

*lyrics in italics*

Oh and if you like Sharon, I apologize since she's kinda the Maria Reynolds in here....

And one last thing: it's like almost 12:30 am where I live so I'm tired and I'm not gonna proofread tonight just let me know (nicely) if there's any grammatical errors and I'll fix it later

How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman dropped in the middle of the forgotten spot in the Caribbean by providence, impoverished, in squalor, grow up to be a hero and a scholar?

You were an orphan that grew up in the Caribbean. Ever since the age of 12, you were on your own. You fended for yourself. You fought and wrote your way out, to seek a new life in America., to leave behind your rough past, to become a new person.

In New York you can be a new man

You traveled to New York and there you met Nick Fury. You got a job at SHIELD. You became an agent with Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton as your mentors. Soon, you became stronger, smarter, and quicker than them. They were the only Avengers that knew about you.

Then one night, Natasha brought you to one of Stark's parties, where you met him.

I have never been the one to try to grab the spotlight

We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night

You were shy. You didn't know what to expect. So you lurked in the corner by yourself, watching the Avengers (mainly Tony and Clint) make drunk fools of themselves.

Then you walked in and my heart went boom

Tryin catch your eye from the side of the ballroom

Everybody's dancin and the band's top volume

Steve Rogers walked into the room, fashionably late. You couldn't keep your eyes off of him. The music blared as everyone danced and you followed Steve from a distance. The man was your hero. You looked up to him as a child. Maybe, you'd get a chance to meet him. But for now, you admired him from afar.

Then you look back at me and suddenly I'm Helpless

Oh, look at those eyes

Oh! Yeah I'm helpless

Helpless I know

Steve looked back and your Y/E/C eyes met his baby blues. He smiled at you and walked towards you.

"Y/N L/N," you said, holding your hand out to shake.

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