You Didn't See That Coming? |Pietro Maximoff x Reader|

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Amount of words: 868

Warnings: feels...


You are Clint Barton's little sister. You were a part of the Avengers but one year ago, you were kidnapped by Hydra and experimented on by Herr Strucker along with the Maximoff twins. You were given healing powers. You and Pietro ended up falling in love with each other.  All you remembered from your life before you were kidnapped was that you had a brother.


You sneak around the base with Pietro. Suddenly you freeze. Your heart beats fast. You see a man a few yards away. Could he be?

"Are you okay princezná?" he asks you with concern.

"Piet," you say softly. "I think my brother's here."

"Is that him?" he asks as he points to the archer.

"I-I think so," you whisper.

The man turns around and sees you.

"Good luck princezná," he says as he gives you a peck on the cheek and zooms off.

"Y/N?" the man gasps. "Is that really you?" He runs towards you. You study him. He kinda does look like you.

"Who are you?" you ask him.

"I'm your brother, Clint," he whispers.

"You're my brother?"

"You don't remember?" he asks sadly.

"Hydra wiped my memories. All I remember is that I have a brother." You look at Clint. "And now I've found him," you say as your voice cracks and you throw your arms around him.

"I've missed you so much Y/N," he whispers in your hair.

"I've missed you too Clint," you mumble in his chest.

"Do you wa-AGHH!" He yells as he crumbles to the ground.

"Clint!" You yell with fright.

He had been hit by a blast by one of the bankers. You kneel by them. You hear footsteps from behind you so you turn around.

"Y/N?" The woman says. She has red hair and she wears a black catsuit.

"Who are you?" you ask shakily.

"I'm your best friend, Natasha," she says as she kneels by Clint. "We need to take him back to the ship,"She says as she stands up. "Come with us Y/N," she begs.



You take a deep breath.

"Okay," you reply. You help Nat carry Clint to the Quinjet. Before you enter the ship, you survey the land. You don't see Pietro. With a heavy sigh, you enter the Quinjet and leave Sokovia.

*time skip brought to you by Steve reading Stony smut and freaking out*

You sit by Clint's hospital bed. It's just the two of you. You had healed him. You told the Avengers about your powers. What you didn't tell them was that when you heal someone, you take away part of your life. Only Wanda and Pietro knew about this. Pietro. You missed him dearly. You never got to say goodbye. What if something happened to him?

"Y/N?" Clint says interrupting your thoughts.

"Yes Clint?" You reply as you take his hand.

"Who was that guy with you? The one that sped off when he saw me? Is he an enhanced?"

"That was Pietro," you tell him. "He had a sister, Wanda. They volunteered for Strucker's experiments."

"He kissed you." He states with a scowl. "Are you guys a thing or...."

"Yeah," you whisper, not meeting Clint's eyes. "Are you mad?"

He sighs. "As long as he makes you happy, then that's okay."

You give your brother a hug.

"I love you Clint," you murmur in his chest.

"I love you too Y/N," he says stroking your hair.

*time skip brought to you by Scott's daughter, Cassie, putting magnets on Bucky's arm*

"Are you sure you want to do this Tony?" You ask him.

"For the millionth time Y/N, I'm absolutely sure!" He yells at you.

"Don't yell at my sister Stark!" Clint yells at Tony from below.

"I'm only gonna tell you once," Steve says as he comes in.

"Pietro!" You shriek as you run to Pietro and throw your arms around him.

"Princezná!" He kisses you deeply.

Tony glares at the two of you.

"How about nonce?"

"Shut it off!" Steve says sternly.

They begin to bicker so Pietro unplugs the machine. Clint shoots the glass underneath Pietro causing him to fall.

"Pietro!" You and Wanda both call.

"What? You didn't see that coming?" Clint asks him.

*yet another time skip brought to you by Loki turning the Avengers into cats*

You and Pietro were looking for any stragglers when you saw your brother rush back to retrieve a boy. You notice that Ultron intercepted the Quinjet and is shooting at you guys. Pietro runs out to save Clint.

"You didn't see that coming?" He says weakly before collapsing to the ground.

"Pietro!" You cry. He has saved your brother and died while doing it. You run towards him and take a deep breath. Wanda needs him. You summon your powers and heal him.

He wakes up.

"Y/N?" He whispers. You fall into his arms.

"You shouldn't have!" He cries.

"You didn't see that coming?" You say softly as you can feel yourself dying.

"I love you Piet. Take care of Wanda," you say weakly. The light leaves your eyes.

Part two?

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