Homecoming |Peter Parker x Reader|

14.3K 307 225

Amount of words: (does anyone actually care about this?) 333

Warnings: none

You walk to your car after a long day of high school. You are greeted by your best friend, Peter Parker (and yes, you do know that he is Spiderman).

"Hey Y/N!" He chirps happily.

"Hey Peter," you say with a smile. You had a crush on him but you thought that he didn't like you back.

"Can I come home with you? I have to talk to your dad about something."

Yep. Your dad is the one and only Tony Stark.

"Sure," you reply. "Hop in."


*time skip brought to you by Tony having to buy Clint a Nerf bow and arrow since Clint kept making holes in the walls.*

As you work on your math homework, Peter bursts into your room.

"Are you going to homecoming with anyone?" He asks you shyly.

"I wasn't planning to," you say softly. Was he planning on asking you out? "Why?"

"Do you um, do you maybe wanna go with me?" he asks with a blush creeping up his neck.

"Of course Peter," you say.

*time skip to homecoming night brought to you by Bucky singing Let it Go in the shower*

The doorbell rings and you rush downstairs. "Hey Peter!" you say as you open the door for him.

"Are you ready?" He asks you.


"Wait!" Tony yells as he runs downstairs. "There's one thing you need to promise me."

"Yes dad?"

"No making babies. I'm too young to be a grandpa."

Peter turns red. "We won't do that Mr. Stark," he whimpers.

"Good. Now I'm gonna be waiting up all night for you two to come back. I'll probably order some Shwa-"

"Okay dad we'll see you later," you interrupt as you pull Peter out of the door.

"Have fun!" Tony calls.

Both of you expected to have a great time. But neither of you expected to be hit by an eighteen-wheeler semi truck...

To be continued...

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