The Proposal |Bucky Barnes x Reader|

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Requested by -EtherealBarnes

Hope you enjoy it Jessie!

Amount of words: 571

Warnings: none really

Today was you and Bucky's three year anniversary of dating. And he had something special in store for you.

You wake up to a cold bed. Where was Bucky? You sit up in your bed and rub your eyes. You see a note on your bed and pick it up and read it.

My dearest, Y/N with a comma after dearest :)

Today marks our three year anniversary and I have something very special planned for you. Meet me outside the tower. Wear something nice. I'll see you soon doll.

Love, Bucky

Smiling like a school girl, you quickly change into a f/c dress that falls just above your knees. You throw your keys and phone into a small purse and rush downstairs to meet Bucky.

"You look gorgeous doll," he says with a smile as he takes your arm.

"So what are we doing today?" You ask him.

"You'll see," he comments with a smirk.

He leads you to a small park near the tower. It's the place where you first met.

Bucky and Steve were racing. Sam gave up after they kept saying "on your right," and "on your left," whenever they passed him.

You were on your morning jog. You were listening to [insert music here] and you weren't paying attention. You collided with a man and you fell over.

"Ma'am?" The man asked as he helped you up. "Are you all right?"

You looked up and your Y/E/C eyes met his cerulean orbs.

"Y-yeah," you stuttered. "Sorry about that."

"I'm Bucky. Bucky Barnes."

"I'm Y/N."

After a quick walk, he brings you to the restaurant where you had your first date with him.

"Remember this doll?" He asks you.

"How could I forget?" You chuckle, recalling the memory.

Bucky finally worked out the nerves to ask you out on a date. Unfortunately, everything seemed to go wrong....well for Bucky. It was rainy, the umbrella didn't work, he accidentally closed the door on your dress and he accidentally spilled his drink all over the table.

"Nothing went your way, did it?" You tease him.

"It didn't," he admits. "But look at where we are now."

He smiles at you and you continue on your journey. He leads you to your secret place: a hidden garden in a small park near the tower. It's the place where you and Bucky had your first kiss. It's also the place where he admitted that he loved you.

"Y/N?" He says, grabbing your attention.

"Yes Bucky?"

"I don't know where I'd be without you. You've saved my ass numerous times. You're always there whenever I have a nightmare. You complete me. I love you so much doll."

He kneels down and pulls out a ring.

"Will you marry me?"

Speechless, you nod your head as happy tears drop down your face. He slips the ring on you and gives you a tight hug.

"I love you too Buck."

Extended ending:

*The entire avengers team jump out of the trees*


Steve: I get to be the best man, right?


Nat: I'm the maid of honor right?

Bruce: Tony's dream is coming true

Thor: *scoops everyone into a hug*

Thor: YAY(Hamlet!!)

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