The Pledge | Steve Rogers x Reader |

8.5K 301 67

Amount of Words: 477

Warnings: for gosh sakes, watch your language

A/N: Sorry I haven't really been active on this book! AT&T has been on and off causing me to actually have internet one minute then no service the next. :/ But there will be two or three more imagines/one-shots coming this week!

Requested by madelinel0we

A few weeks ago, Steve had finally agreed to share a room with you in the Avengers tower. One night, you left the room to get a drink of water and you came back to bed only to see Steve clutching your pillow and muttering something.

"Steve?" you whispered with concern. Was he having a nightmare?

"Y/N?" he said groggily.

"Were you having a nightmare?"

He turned red. He knew what he was saying, but he didn't want to tell you.

"No Y/N, " he said as he pulled you into bed. "I'm fine."

"You sure?"


Every night after that, you caught him mumbling something that you couldn't quite understand. You were determined to figure out what he was saying at night. So you decide to ask the top two agents (in your opinion) at SHIELD. Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton. You find them in the training room and explain your situation to them.

"We'll be happy to help," Natasha tells you.

"This will be great for blackmail!" Clint says with an evil laugh. You and Natasha glare at him.


Later that night, you sneak out of your room and join Natasha and Clint in the lounge. Earlier, you and Clint had set up a recording device made by Tony and hid it on Steve's side of the bed.

"Ready?" Natasha ask you.

"Ready," you reply. She presses the play button. A few minutes later, you all hear Steve mumbling something. He stops and goes back to snoring.

"What's he saying?" Clint ponders.

"I'll play it again," Natasha says. She slows it down and you listen to it again.

"Guys, I think I know what he's saying," you say with a smirk.

Clint and Natasha laugh.

"We think so to."

The next morning, Steve wakes up and sees you, Natasha, and Clint sitting at the kitchen table replaying the recording.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

And to the Republic for which it stands

One nation under God

indivisible with liberty and justice for all

"I didn't know you still said the Pledge of Allegiance in your sleep Steve," you say as you try to stifle a laugh.

"You know?" Steve says sheepishly. You all nod your heads.

"Oh what great blackmail this will be," Clint cackles as he picks up the recording and runs away.

"Son of a bitch," Steve mutters to himself as Tony walks by.

"Ooh you kiss Y/N with that mouth?"

"Fuck you Stark!"

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