Sincerely, Your #1 Fan (Playboy Bunny Goes To An All Boys Boarding School) [3.2]

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Mystery Guy POV

I watch as the love of my life caresses her body tenderly while hot water displays across her skin leaving droplets.

Making the pink in her nipples to darken as well as harden.

Immediately my shaft grew eight inches as my pants became tight ready to burst with my semen.

It took everything in me not to join her and bathe her with my tongue leaving no areas of her body dry. Starting from her head and finish with her toes.

Every time her hands brushes across her skin the throbbing between my legs left me light headed.

I am in need of some sort of relief because the way she move her body teases me.

Slowly I closed my eyes and gently began to unzip my pants. Envisioning her hands exploring my body discovering hidden places that I didn't no exist.

My temperature climbed as my breath became caught in my throat as I image her pulling out my d**k and easing away all of my worries with the hotness of her tongue. As she licks me nice, long and hard.

I opened one of my eyes to get a good view of her body and directed my camera under the toilet to watch her clean between her legs.

I moaned loudly as she opened her legs giving me a full view of the inner and outer walls of her p***y.

My hands trembled as I pumped my d**k harder, faster moaning her name wishing that it was her hands in replace of my mines.

"AMARIUS" I groaned as I watch her shift her body in different directions causing my feet to curl and me to reach my climaxed.

"HELLO... IS ANY BODY THERE" Amarius asks as she looks around hearing the sound of my voice but that only causes me to cum again.

"Oh baby, oh baby oh baby" I chanted over and over again singing it as if it was a hit song. No one has ever made me feel this way and I have ever intentions to make her mine.

I wiped my nut off my hands dreaming that I planted my seed inside her womb and sighed.

I will kill to have you and that's just what I'll do if any body stands in my way.

Amarius gradually steps out the shower dripping wet my heart speed up racing as if im racing against time.

"S**t... she doesn't even know what she's doing to me" I whispered as I started masturbating again.

With each step she took my d**k grew making my whole body shake uncontrollable and knew I was on the verge of climaxing again.

"HELLO... IS ANY BODY THERE" Amarius whispered again but her voice trembled

as if she's afraid.

I pumped my shaft more rapidly as if they were no tomorrow yearning that she was saying my name while bouncing up and down on my d**k.

"I'm cumming" I screamed as cum discharged out of my shaft making its way into the air while I held onto the chair for support.

It took me a couple of seconds for my breathing to calm down as well as my heart before I placed my d**k back inside my boxers and zipped up my pants.

I studied her and realize that I left my cameras visible for her to see. I didn't wont her to discover the hidden cameras that I placed in her bathroom as well as in bedroom but it was to late.

Amarius eyes grew big as she screamed. I thought through the fog she couldn't see much but I was highly mistaken.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?" Amarius voice roared searching for answers

To questions she already knows the answers too.

That she belonged to me and no one else.

"Because I love you Amarius" I told her and knew it was love since I first laid eyes on her.

"And you love me" She told me numerous of times that she does it may not be the same kind of love that I feel but its close.

I witnessed as her knees started to cave in as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Me being too shocked to move I continued to observe as her face collided with the sink sending her into unconsciousness.

"AMARIUS.... AMARIUS SWEETIE GET UP" I screamed but no answer so I turned off all my television and put away all my equipment and ran out my room in the direction of Amarius as fast as my legs could carry me.

"Amarius I'm on my way" I thought as I hurried down the hallway.

Sincerely, Your #1 Fan (Playboy Bunny Goes To An All Boys Boarding School)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt