Sincerely, Your #1 Fan (Playboy Bunny Goes To An All Boys Boarding School) [2]

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As we exited the building of one of my father's accommodation paparazzi tried sticking to us like honey.

But I noticed my father grabbed my hand a little too tight and guides me towards our limo as extra body guards formed a circle around us.

I tried keeping up with him but his fast paced legs had me stumbling over rocks and cracks in the ground but he doesn't seem to notice.

Until I tripped and fell, falling face first towards the ground.

"Honey... is you ok" My father screams as if I'm dieing.

I couldn't respond my cheek burns and became moist as I feel blood oozing out of the wound.

One of my personal body guard Jeffery picked me up and carried me the rest of the way, holding me gently but at the same time solidly against his chest.

"I'm so sorry baby girl" My father voice drops as he whips my blood away with his handkerchief.

"Why are you apologizing daddy... you know how clumsy I am." I laugh as we reached the limo.

"Thank you Jeffery... You're my hero" I say giggling while a blush forms in his cheeks.

Although he is four years older than me he is hot with a capital H.

The way his hazel eyes stare at you like he's looking into your soul, and his jet black hair that's spiked up in the front but is laid down on the side, his muscular body and stands at 6'2 he's every girl dreams.

"It's my pleasure Ms. Amarius" Aw... if I was standing my knees would've caved in. Damn... his voice is too sexy.

"Stop flirting with my daughter and Amarius you are too young to date" My father joked but he sounded too serious.

"I'm sixteen not six and too late." I laughed as Jeffery placed me back on my feet before holding the door open for me.

"What a gentlemen... I owe you one Jeffery" I said sliding over towards the window.

"You owe me nothing Ms. Amarius its part of my job." He says before walking away.

"Since its part of your job... take me on a date" I yell while my father glare at me like I done lost my mind.

"What?" I ask

"Nothing" He responds by closing the door before Jeffery could answer me.

"HEY... I wanted to know what he was going to say" Crossing my arms over my chest pretending like I was upset.

"But I didn't" Rude much.

I closed my eyes as the limo takes off and before I know it I'm fast asleep.

"Amarius sweetie wake up"

I hear a voice say but I just ignore it and keep dreaming...

"Amarius..." The voice shouted again while trying to shake me awake.

"GO AWAY" I yell balling my body back into a tight ball trying to fall back into lala land.

"GET UP OR I'LL LET JEFFERY CARRY YOU" My father demanded. He knows I'm afraid of heights.

Instead of me answering I felt myself being picked up and I immediately open my eyes.

"LET GO... LET GO... PLEASE" I screamed holding unto Jeffery for my dear life.

"I won't drop you Ms. Amarius" Jeffery said carrying me up the stairs into the front of our mansion.

"What's up with the Ms? Anyways it better be a good explanation why ya'll woke me up. I was dreaming Johnny Depp was giving me a lap dance. And you aint answer my question when are we going on our date?" I said laughing at my fathers and Jeffery expression.

Sincerely, Your #1 Fan (Playboy Bunny Goes To An All Boys Boarding School)Where stories live. Discover now