If only she had taken that vervain sample Morgan had offered her.

Marcel had never laid a hand on this girl, and he ordered that none of his men should lay a finger on her also. But tonight.. Things would change up a bit.

"Forgive me, Jade Alexander." As soon as those words escaped Marcel's lips, Jade screamed, but his hand had covered her mouth in an instant. Marcel carefully bent his head down to her neck, letting his longing to taste her blood overtake him.

His fangs pierced her neck, causing Jade's futile scream to die out as she struggled to push Marcel off of her. He ignored her attempts, greedily drinking the blood from her vein, her blood much more delicious and rich than he would have ever imagined.. Why he had not done this the moment he met Jade, he did not know.

The frightened woman continued to struggle, her eyes clamped shut as she was held under Marcel's looming body. His grip on her was like steal, tightening the more he drank her blood.

She could feel herself grow light-headed, her body slowly becoming limp. She sighed heavily, giving up on her attempts to fight off Marcel, her frail heart's beating coming to a close...

Marcel released her in an instant the second he barely heard Jade's heart beating. He brought her to the couch, putting her down gently. His was in complete and utter shock, surprised at what he had done to this fragile human, to someone he had thought he had feelings for.. He had had lost control to the one human he deeply cared for.

She would most definitely not forgive him for this. She would have his head.

Blood slowly fell from the two gaping puncture wounds on her neck. Marcel was disgusted with himself, her frail body looking more lifeless by the second as he just knelt before her crumpled state in shock. He bit into his wrist to the point where his blood trickled lightly, and then brought it down to Jade's lips. Jade moved her head to the side in response, rejecting Marcel's blood. That little movement seemed to have sent a painful sensation through her body, as she groaned. Marcel sighed, forcing her mouth open as he put his wrist into her mouth. He relaxed when he finally felt her accept his blood, hesitantly sucking the dark red liquid.

Jade pushed away his wrist, still too weak to get up. Marcel scooped her small frame into his arms, guilt overcoming his features as the beautiful woman fell unconscious in his arms.



I awoke, gasping for air, terrified of the nightmare I had had. My hair clung to my sweaty skin, my hand flying to cup my neck, only to find no bite mark. Marcel had almost killed me in that horrifying dream...

Oh wait.. That had happened.

I sighed, throwing the thick blanket that had covered me off of me. Marcel must have brought me back to my house. I knew I was going to regret inviting him into my house one day.

I looked down at my clothes, realizing that I was still wearing the same outfit I had worn last night to meet Marcel. I looked to my right, seeing my phone light up on my night stand. Reaching for my phone and bringing it to my face, I realized I had thirteen missed calls and sixty two unread messages from my dear witch friend of mine. I only read the most recent text she sent:

Disregard my previous texts and calls. I broke into your house to find you sleeping safely. Come over whenever you wake up.

I smiled, finding comfort in the fact that there was still one person I could trust in this town. But my brief moment of happiness didn't last long when the night's memories flooded into my mind. What Marcel had done to me just proved further that he really was a monster. He hurt people, manipulated people, gave them orders. And if they didn't follow through with his orders.. it never ended up well for them. Although that little façade he uses to trick people into believing he cares about all of them was very impressive, it wasn't fooling me any longer.

Captivate (Klaus Mikaelson) ***ON HOLD***Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat