Full Moon✔

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Chapter 1

I should have never come back. I should have stayed in South America. I was happy there... of course, I had the occasional fights and issues but I was safe. I can't say the same about where I am now. The walls of this dingy bank vault offer no protection whatsoever.

Ironic isn't it?

It's been three months at this point. Three bloody months stuck in this confined room held captive with two other teenagers. It's been hell, to say the least. I've even started forgetting what the outside feels like. To feel the soft breeze against my skin, grass between my toes, sunlight beating on my skin.... the moonlight.

But that's not even the worst part. It's the waiting that really gets you. I never know when one of the Alphas will come and rip us to shreds. Every knock, every creak puts me on edge. Whenever one of them enters, I never know if one of us will leave. If it will be our last day alive. When we first got captured I didn't think they would actually kill any of us. I thought they only wanted to use us as bait to get to Derek, my older brother. But I was wrong. So very wrong...

They killed Erica. She killed Erica.

Erica was one of the girls in this vault. She and Boyd, another one in here, were close friends. The only crime they committed was wanting to get a better life. To leave Beacon Hills behind and never look back.

I never knew her very well. I wasn't in a very sociable mood then. Getting thrown in a bank vault by a bunch of Alphas does that to you. But from what I've heard from Boyd, she was a good person. She struggled a lot growing up, but when Derek gave her the gift she overcame her weaknesses and was better for it. Boyd was in Derek's pack. He said that although Derek was a tough, demanding alpha, they knew he meant well.

I pace up and down the vault for what must be the hundredth time today, pondering the same thought over again: Was it really worth it? Coming back to Beacon Hills, to the town where my entire family was murdered, to be thrown into a bank vault. For what? For Derek? For redemption? For a fresh start?

What a fresh start this is...

I look down to my left and see Boyd sitting against the bank pillar. Cora, my sister, is resting a comforting hand on his shoulder. Cora lifts her head up towards me and motions towards Boyd. 'Your turn' she mouths. I shake my head slightly and walk away.

It's not like I'm heartless or anything. I just don't do well with helping people. I never know what to say. How can you put yourself into someone else's shoes when you have no idea what they're going through? You haven't experienced their life so how can you help them? Death is something that happens to everyone. You can't escape it, you can't change it so why spend your time mourning when there are people you love still living?

Maybe I am just heartless...

Maybe I haven't learned how to feel properly, to show real, true emotion. After losing my family I was forced to grow up fast. There was no time for grieving. No time for dwelling on the past. The past is gone and I can't get it back. There was only time for surviving...

Survival at any cost

Survival at any cost

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