Glen Capri ✔

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Chapter 6

(Trigger warning... this chapter deals with suicide and suicidal thoughts)

"Okay everyone off the bus!" Coach's scream wakes me up with a start. I jump and knock my head against the window behind me.

"Son of a-" I mutter rubbing my head again. Scott raises his brows at me as he and Allison get up to leave. "Four times, Scott." I exclaim showing four fingers. "Four times." I grab my bag and follow after them with a groan. I step outside and stare up at the rundown building.

"I've seen worse," Scott mutters.

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles asks genuinely intrigued.

"What is this place?" I ask with a yawn. Stiles points to the big blue sign that says 'Glen Capri'.

"Oh." I say blinking my eyes a few times. "In my defensive, I've knocked my head four times-"

"-and counting." Scott adds.

"-today so I'm sure I have some sort of mild concussion."

"Aren't werewolves immune to that sort of thing?" Stiles furrows his brows at me. I open my mouth to speak but close it as I realize he is right. I let out a huff of air before turning my gaze back to the front.

"Listen up!" Coach yells blowing his whistle. "The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgment when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves."

what a ray of sunshine

"You'll be pairing up." Coach continues while holding up a bunch of keys. "Choose wisely." I begin looking around at everyone I know and immediately see a problem: Allison and Lydia are sharing, Scott and Stiles are sharing, Isaac and Boyd are sharing. That leaves me by myself.

"Great." I mutter. I've always thought that I was an independent person who didn't need anyone to survive. But then again... I always had Cora. I let out a breath before walking over to Coach.

"Who's your partner, Hale?" He asks picking out a key.

"Me and myself, Coach."

"Make new friends Hale." He points a finger at me. "I don't need another loner like Greenberg." He moves his eyes to the crowd. "Actually, Greenberg doesn't-"

"Thank you Coach." I say quickly grabbing the key from his hand and walking away. I don't really want to share a room with a complete stranger. I walk up the stairs and find my room number.


"Nina." Scott calls from the door next to me. "Who'd you pair up with."

"The best person I know." I joke before entering the room. I plop my bag on the floor and stare at the space. It's simple and reasonably tidy. I shrug before falling down onto the bed closest to the door. Cora always preferred the bed away from the door as she said it felt safer. I take out my phone and check her contact again... still nothing. I let out a breathe and dial her name. She picks up after a few rings.

"Cora." I smile into the phone.

"Are you still at that stupid meet?"

"Unfortunately. There was a delay so we're staying at this rundown motel." I say looking around the empty room. "It's so lonely here though."

"You still don't have friends?"

"I have friends... but all my friends have other friends."

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