A Werewolf's Eyes ✔

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Chapter 8

Boyd is dead.

This feels different... I actually know he's dead. With Derek, there was always hope. There's no hope now.

I always thought that the Alphas were past trying to get Derek into their pack, after what happened with Ennis, I thought they wanted him dead and only him. I thought we were all safe... except for Derek of course.

But they killed Boyd... Derek's claws were the killing force but Kali dropped him on his claws. And the Twins helped. Those bullies helped murder a fellow classmate. A fellow teenager.

"Calm down, Nina." Cora says, standing by the desk. "I can practically feel the anger radiating off of you." I slowly retract my claws.

"I just can't believe that the Alpha pack did that." I sit on the stairs with my head in my hands. "Boyd was innocent. He never did anything wrong."

"I know, but trust me." Cora looks up into my eyes with a hard look. "We will get revenge."

"How... Killing them?"

"If I have to." She turns her hard gaze out the window.

"Killing them is not the answer."

"For you maybe." She glances at me with crossed arms. "They killed one of ours." The loft doors open and a head peeks inside.

"Stiles?" I question, walking down the stairs.

"Uh- do you know where Derek is?" He glances around the loft.

"Nope." I exchange glances with Cora but she looks out the window again. "But after what happened, he probably needs some time alone."

"Do you know where that could be? Cause we're still dealing with a pack of Alphas and a dark druid over here."

"He knows... It's just that taking someone's life is never easy." I glance at my hands.

"He's probably hiding." Cora says not looking away from the window.

"Why hiding?" Stiles asks slowly. "If anything I should be hiding because of my lack of werewolfitude."

"One day many years ago, hunters managed to track down Derek. Uncle Peter rescued him and they hide in a cellar." Cora keeps her gaze outside. "They were there for two days, waiting, hiding. That's what we're taught to do when the hunters find us hide and heal." I fidget with my fingers.

It's tough being a werewolf just in itself but it's a nightmare when there are a bunch of blood-thirsty hunters out to get you.

I hate hunters...They're all the same

What about the one who saved our lives at the abandoned mall?

No, all hunters are the same...

"Okay, so is two days standard, then, or are we thinking Derek's on, like, some extended getaway?" Stiles says pacing.

"Why do you care?" Cora asks finally looking at him.

"Why do I care?" Stiles asks taking a step forward. I roll my eyes as I hear the sarcasm coming. "Let's see because over the last few weeks, my best friend tried to kill himself, his boss nearly got ritually sacrificed, a girl that I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed, Boyd was killed by alphas. I- do you want me to keep going? Cause I can, all right? For like, an hour."

"You think Derek can do anything about that?" Cora asks walking towards him.

"Well, since he's the one everyone seems to be after, it's more like he should do something about it, yeah."

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