Final Battle ✔

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Chapter 12

"Cora!" I wrap my arms tightly around her frame as I let out a breath.

She's okay... she's alive...

"Nina...I'm not completely healed yet." She manages to get out with a gasp. I immediately let her go with wide eyes.

"Sorry." I smile sheepishly. "I'm just so happy to see that you're okay."

"You can't get rid of me that easily." She quirks a lip up. A smile overtakes my lips before my eyes moved around the loft. My smile drops.

"Derek?" My eyes widen at his seated figure against the wall. "Derek!" I run toward him and bend down to his height. "Are you okay?" He slowly opens his eyes and gives me a tiny smile.

"It worked."

"I'm proud of you, Derek." I smile as Cora brings over a water bottle and gently pours some into his mouth. "You saved her life."

"Hopefully not all for nothing." Peter speaks up as he gazes out the window. "The moon is rising, Derek. You drained your battery all the way to the red, And there is a fully charged alpha on her way to rip you limb from limb."

"I'll be fine in a few hours." Derek breathes out.

"I sincerely hope so, because a few hours is all that you have." Peter turns to look at Derek.

"Can't you remain positive for like five seconds." I roll my eyes.

"This is me being positive." He gives me a dry look.

"I'd hate to see you when you're negative." I mumble.

"What happened with Scott?" Derek brings my attention back to him.

"They had to be surrogate sacrifices for their parents." Their heads snap to mine.

"They sacrificed themselves?" He furrows his brows.

"Deaton can bring them back... I hope." I say feeling a knot forming in my stomach.

"What's happening now?" Cora questions.

"Now we wait."

I run as fast as I can glancing down at the message on my phone every now and then

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I run as fast as I can glancing down at the message on my phone every now and then. I swing open the door as my eyes dart around the room. A smile overtakes my lips.

"You're okay?" Before I even know what I'm doing I rush over to him and throw my arms around his body. His wet shirt sticks to my own but I don't care.

Scott's alive.

"I'm okay." He breathes out before putting his arms around me. I let out a breath as I relax into him before slowly stepping back.

"We're okay too, just by the way." Stiles' voice pipes up from the side. "Maybe you wanna give us a hug too?"

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