Love & Evil ✔

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Chapter 27

"This is not a good idea."

Allison lets out a huff of air, "You're right, this is a terrible idea."

"He's right there. We can get him." Derek says gesturing to the loft doors on his left.

"I'm talking about Nina being here." 

"It'll be okay. If anything happens we will be right here with you, okay?" Derek tries to affirm me, but I don't feel too confident. I know what happened last time I was near the Nogistune. "And didn't you say it was when he touched you that you felt different?"

"Yes, but I don't know if that applies to every situation," I answer.

"Well, we just won't let that happen this time, okay." He smiles. "And besides, it's a good test either way."

"You're not my son," Stilinski says from inside the loft. That's our cue.

Allison, Argent, and Derek walk into the loft. I take a breath and follow behind them. Stiles stands in the center of the loft with the broken handcuffs lying at his feet. His eyes scan over us until he reaches my face. A sick grin overtakes his features. 

"Look who joined the party." He says. My head starts hurting. The same familiar feeling from that night.

Allison aims her taser gun at him and fires. He switches his attention back to her and grabs the tasers. He looks more annoyed than in pain as he tosses it to the side with ease. Derek growls and tries his luck next only to be thrown to the side like a ragdoll. I take a step forward only to see Stiles' attention immediately switch to me.

"It's your turn." I stay in my place. "Come on. Give it your best shot." I don't move. I know what he's trying to do and it won't work. 

The pounding in my head gets stronger.

A gun suddenly cocks in front of me as Argent firmly points his gun at Stiles. "Argent, listen to me," Stilinski speaks slowly. "Don't do this."

"Why not?" Argent answers cooly. "I've done it before. Werewolves, Berserkers. I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list-"

"Or an Ōkami," I say firmly, taking a step in front of the gun. "I don't know about you, but we don't kill our friends here."

"Nina!" Derek protests, stumbling to his feet. "Stop."

"Don't be stupid, Nina." Argent stares straight at me, gun still raised. 

"I'm not being stupid. We can't go around killing a teenager, even if he is possessed."

"That's right." A cold hand is placed on my shoulder. "Thank you, Nina," Stiles says from behind me.

The pain stops. It's like a switch was turned. All emotion is drained out of me until I feel like a shell of my former self... I don't feel anything. 

Well... I do feel something

"What? You gonna shoot me too?" I say taking another step towards Argent. 

"Argent put the gun down now," Derek growls, but Argent doesn't move.

"What are you going to do, huh?" I take another step forward. The cold metal of the barrel touches my forehead. "Kill another Hale?" He stares at me for a few seconds longer. The silence in the room is deadly.

"It's the Nogistune, dad," Allison warns. "It brings it out of her."

He slowly starts to lower his gun, "I never killed a Hale."

"Maybe you didn't pull the trigger but you might as well have," I say slowly. "Kate, your sister, killed my family. Like we're animals. Monsters." My voice starts rising. "Burned them alive."

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