chapter 5 - The One You've Been Waiting For

Start from the beginning

Ness: (voice over from 8.13 Everybody Hates Hitler) "This last page is a roster..."

From 8.13 "Everybody Hates Hitler", in Aaron's House, Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness, Young Sabrina and Aaron were talking.

"Of every dead Thule member who was reanimated," Ness told them.

"This is why they killed my grandfather?" Aaron asked.

From 8.13 "Everybody Hates Hitler", in the campus bar, Isaac was being burned alive from the inside. "You Nazi pig!"

Isaac laughed. He continued to burn, bursting into flames.

From 8.13 "Everybody Hates Hitler", in the library of the Bunker, Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness and Young Sabrina were talking.

"One Rabbi Isaac Bass," Ness told them. "He spontaneously combusted."

From 8.13 "Everybody Hates Hitler", outside the college bar, Torvald watched as Isaac burned.

From 8.13 "Everybody Hates Hitler", in Aaron's House, Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness, Young Sabrina and Aaron were talking.

"Nazi bastards," Dean told them.

From 8.13 "Everybody Hates Hitler", in Aaron's House, Sam, Dean, Catty and Ness each shot the Thule that were aiming guns at them in the head, making them fall dead. A fifth Thule dragged Aaron toward the door. Young Sabrina threw a broken table leg through the fifth Thule's head, inning him to the wall, killing him with the technical head shot.

From 11.14 "The Vessel", in flashback, Delphine Seydoux stabbed Gumprecht in the throat.

From 11.14 "The Vessel", on the Thule ship, the Thule soldiers aimed guns at Sabrina, Castiel and Levi, shouting in German in confusion. Sabrina held her hands to her sides, closing her eyes in concentration. Bright white light started to emanate from her hands and chest. Shadows of unfurling wings appeared on the wall behind her. She opened her eyes. They were completely white, glowing blue from within. The ship started to shake and crumble, slowly at first. As more time went on, the more violent it became, debris and glass and electrical sparks falling around them. Sabrina raised her arms above her head. She was glowing with bright white light. Everything was glowing around her. She threw her arms down to her side, using magic to make the ship start to crumble more quickly, more violently. The light was starting to burn the Thule through, slowly eating away at them, making them scream in agony, until they burned away with the light completely.

Sam: (voice over from 8.13 Everybody Hates Hitler) "Anything in there on how to kill it?"

From 11.14 "The Vessel", on the Thule Ship, Gumprecht spoke through a radio to speak to everyone on the Bluefin. "If you want a friend of the Thule to stay dead, burn the body."

From 8.13 "Everybody Hates Hitler", in the cemetery, Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness and Young Sabrina were kneeling next to the body and the grave. Young Sabrina put a hand to the body's head, making his head burst into flames, pushing his body into the grave below. They watched the fire spread to take over the whole body.

From 8.13 "Everybody Hates Hitler", in Aaron's House, Eckhart was on the floor. Young Sabrina stood over him.

"You will never kill all the Thule," Eckhart told her.

Young Sabrina put a hand to his head, smiting him, killing him with a flash of bright white light, making him scream. "Well, that's a start."

From 8.13 "Everybody Hates Hitler", in the library, Torvald was on the stairs, looking at Sam, Dean, Catty, Ness, Young Sabrina, Aaron and the Golem. "Long live... the Thule."

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