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Amity rested her head against the soft leather of the couch. She was covered in powdered foundation and eye shadow from her job and she was just ready to go home. The brunette had only gotten four hours of sleep the night prior and she paid for it deeply that morning.

She had woken up a bit more during the day but now she was at her boyfriend's band practice and the couch was so comfortable that she couldn't help if her eyes fluttered shut every few seconds.

"Hey Posey, wake up," a voice shouted, bringing her out of her sleepy daze. She felt something small and plastic hit her cheek making her peek an eye open. A guitar pick was now resting in her lap and there were four expectant boys staring at her.

"We were asking you what we thought of our new song and you fell asleep. It must be that boring," Luke joked, seeing the girl had basically buried herself into the leather couch.

"If you want my honest opinion it was a bit boring. It's too slow for the vibe of the song. Try speeding it up. I don't know how you'd do that but do that," Amity said, giving her best advice.

She didn't know many music terms, to be fair she barely knew what an eighth note was, but she could tell if a song was decent or not.

Michael nodded his head at what she had said and pulled out the sheet of paper where they had written the lyrics down. He changed the two-four timing to triplets in four-four and hoped that it would sound better. Amity watched as he showed the others the changes in the structure and they all started to see how it would work out.

While she was waiting, she reached forward and grabbed her cup of coffee off of the table and took a sip. She knew that practice could last a solid two or three hours more and that she'd have to ration her coffee for that amount of time.

After that her and Calum would go home and take a very long nap before heading out but she had a while to wait until then.

The boys started playing the song again, this time a lot faster. It sounded so much better this time and it didn't drag on.

"Hey, I'm doing fine and I know I'm out of line. So let's sing this one more time. It goes destination: permanent vacation," they all finished the song. The instrumentals then slowly cut off and it came to a balanced end. It sounded a lot better than what it originally had sounded.

Amity couldn't help the smile that slipped onto her face as she heard the end of the song. Her friends were truly talented with everything they did and they had such a great way to convey strong messages in their music.

This wasn't her favorite song of the new album. That was for sure but this one was just as amazing as the others. She personally liked "Invisible" but she would never let any of the boys know that.

"I think we're done with practice for today," Ashton spoke up, after listening to the playback of the song. Even he agreed that it sounded better. The meaning behind the song and the album as a whole was so powerful and he prayed that the fans would like it.

The other three nodded their heads and slowly started to put everything away. Cables and drumsticks and guitar tuners were placed away methodically while Amity stayed sitting on the couch, watching them all interact with each other.

"Don't be a dick," Calum said laughing as Luke held onto his instrument case and ran away with it.

She loved her friends. There wasn't anything that anyone could ever offer her to replace them and she was so happy that she had found them her first month in Los Angeles. All four boys were the sweetest people she had ever met and she couldn't believe that she was one of the few lucky ones to be trusted into their inner friend circle.


This is such a short update I'm so sorry. I finally can start updating again thought and I'm so excited!!! The next few updates will be longer and better I promise but I just wanted an update to be up quickly. Love you all :-)


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