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Amity heard the sound of keys jingling outside of her apartment door. Calum was here. She knew it was Calum. He was the only other person with keys to her apartment.

"Hey babe," Amity said, not looking up from the book she was reading. She had bought it at a book store the day before and had yet to put it down.

"Hi love," Calum said. Amity heard his voice before she saw him. Calum threw the keys down on the table before walking to the sofa where she was and leaned over so that he was blocking her view from the book.

"I'm trying to read," Amity said.

"And I'm trying to get my beautiful girlfriend to kiss me since she wouldn't return any of my calls or texts from the past twenty four hours," Calum said happily, reaching forward and grabbing the book out of his girlfriend's hand and holding it up.

Amity quickly turned around and saw her boyfriend holding the book teasingly.

"Calum, give it back," she said pouting, standing up from the sofa and running to where he stood. She reached up trying to grab her book and Calum held it out of reach.

"Please give it back," Amity begged, putting her small hand on Calum's arm trying to pull him down to her level.

"What will I get in return?" Calum asked, a smile toying on his lips.

"I'll suck your dick," Amity said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Calum looked at his girlfriend with wide eyes. What she had said caught him completely off guard. Amity never was one to be forward, hell, she never cursed. She was the innocent one in their group of friends. She never said bad words, never was rude to anyone, didn't drink or do drugs. She was the perfect poster child. Calum was so lucky to have her.

Amity quickly jumped up and grabbed her book, mainly so she could mark her place and then set it down. Calum came up behind her and wrapped his arms around the petite girl before pressing multiple kisses to her cheek.

"Do you want to dance?" Calum asked softly, he pulled away from his girlfriend and went to the CD player his girlfriend had next to her TV.

He pressed play to the music and "November" by Sleeping With Sirens started playing though the speakers. Calum pulled his girlfriend to him and started swaying with her. He spun her around multiple times and then she did the same once to him. He had to bend down considerably so that he could go under her arm.

She let out a squeal as Calum tried to dip her.

She clung onto him tightly, her legs squeezing around his side so that she wouldn't fall. Calum spun around with her and she laughed loudly, loving the feeling of her boyfriend being with her.

"I just wanted to finish reading my book but now I'm forced to dance," Amity tutted, making Calum chuckle at his small girlfriend.

"Can you read to me then?" Calum questioned.

Amity nodded her head, making Calum set her down and move to the CD player and turn down the music so it was playing softy in the background.

"What's the book called?" Calum asked, once they had situated themselves on the reclining chair she owned. She sat in between his legs and he had his arms around her waist so that he could warm her up. Amity had been shivering slightly but being in Calum's warm arms felt so nice.

"Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher," Amity informed. Calum nodded his head and told her to continue where she left off.

"You don't know what goes on in anyone's life but your own. And when you mess with one part of a person's life, you're not messing with just that part. Unfortunately, you can't be that precise or selective. When you mess with one part of a person's life, you're messing with their entire life. Everything... affects everything," Amity read aloud, pausing occasionally to clear her throat or to end the sentence fully.

Calum loved the way Amity effortlessly read the words on the pages. He loved listening to her talk and could do it for the rest of her life. Calum leaned forward and pressed his lips softly to Amity's once she had stopped talking.

"I love you so much," Calum said, nudging his nose against her girlfriend's.

She giggled and scrunched her nose.

"I love you too," Amity said, shutting the book and turning around so that she could kiss him again.


I literally dig my own grave, being a #1 Calum stan, writing this book.


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