36- Epilogue

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A few months later I laid peacefully on a warm blanket with my shades on. The rays of the sun diffused into my skin as my shades rested on my nose. Biannca stretched between us for her fruit cocktail and took a sip. It was the last day of December but it wasn't cold since we were in the Caribbean.

We were on a yacht on Grenada's beautiful blue sea, sipping on fruit cocktails and watching the men as they took turns diving half-naked off the yacht railings. It was Christmas time, and my plan had come to pass. Biannca, Nicholas, Piero, Dwayne, Dwayne's new plaything Simoné, Jayson and I had decided to spend Christmas in Grenada. The trip was sponsored by Jayson. We stayed at a hotel because my family's house could not hold everybody. Jayson had insisted that my family came and stayed with us at the hotel for the three weeks we were in Grenada, and they did. Well, that was after I threatened them that I would not go to Grenada if they did not stay at the hotel with us.

Needless to say, my mother loved Jayson instantly, my father, however, took some warming up. It took Jayson days to get on my father's 'good' side, however, he did and now they were both 'peas in a pod'. I even heard my father call him 'son' a few times. My brothers tried to put up a front at first, giving Jayson a hard time but caved in soon after.

My parents did not come on the yacht with us because my mother is terribly afraid of the sea, therefore my father stayed with her. Piero paid for a spa day for them to occupy their day. My brothers were in the yacht bombarding the captain with questions about the yacht.

Jayson came back on the yacht soaking wet and approached me.

Our relationship had strengthened even more over the past few months. I officially moved in with him after the party Piero kept at Jayson's home. Everything fell into place.

Jayson held both my hands and pulled me up, and against him. His hands slipped around my body drawing me against his wet body. I could feel the water soak through my skirt causing it to cling to my skin. "Babe you're wet."

He smirked and moved his eyebrows around. "I'm the one who normally says that." I tried to push him away but his grip on me tightened.

Biannca stood up and walked away. "You two are nasty! My virgin ears should not be hearing this."

I grunted in an unladylike manner. "Virgin my ass," I called out, causing Biannca to flip the bird over her shoulder.

Jayson chuckled and looked at me. "Let's take a dip."


"Why not?"

I rolled my eyes. "I did not put on a full face of makeup- Jay!" He pulled my skirt down my legs. "Stop." My shorts went next, revealing my nude one-piece swimsuit.

I stepped away from Jayson and out of my clothing that was hanging around my ankle.

"Damn, you look sexy as hell-"

I shook my head and placed my hands up, interrupting his sentence. "I did not put on a full face of makeup to take a swim."

He rolled his eyes. "You're on a yacht. A full face of makeup was not necessary. You're beautiful with and without makeup."

I blushed. "Babe, you're sweet, but I'm not getting in that water."

Jayson's eyes left mine briefly and went behind me before they returned to my eyes. He smiled at me then nodded. Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me off the ground. I started to scream and move around in the person's hand violently. "Let me go! Jayson help me!"

The person moved towards the edge of the yacht and lifted me up a bit higher to get my body over the ledge. I settled my feet on the ledge determined not to go overboard.

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