11- Cars (part 1)

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It was three months after Jayson had asked me to be his girlfriend, and everything was great. We argued here and there, but we always moved pass it.

Dwayne, Biannca and I were hanging out at our favorite diner on a Saturday afternoon. Our spending time together was long overdue because the last time we spent the day together was over a month ago. Mr. Gauz was opening a restaurant in another country, therefore, everyone at work was working hard to ensure that the new restaurant was in tip-top shape. Since it was a Saturday, the three of us decided to spend the day shopping, 'Retail therapy' as Biannca calls it.

The new restaurant resulted in longer working hours for everyone, especially me since I was Mr. Gauz's secretary. After the altercation between Mrs. Gauz and Ms. Cannon, Ms. Cannon was fired and I got her job. Of course, Ms. Cannon thought she shouldn't have been fired, therefore she decided to sue Mr. Gauz. She lost the case. They were in a legal battle for four weeks. It would have been shorter but the judge handling the case died two weeks into the case, because of an allergic reaction. They had to change the judge, which meant they basically had to start the case all over.

Dwayne, Biannca and I were sitting in a diner eating vegetable pizza. I hated vegetable pizza but, my friends (who I thought hated it too) decided to buy a medium vegetable pizza to share amongst ourselves. I was in the diner for thirty minutes and was still on the first slice. I needed meat. Dwayne ate three slices while Biannca ate two. I was complaining about their choice of food when I saw Biannca look behind me and say, 'Finally'.

When I looked around I saw Jayson approaching us. I turned to my friends and asked. "What's going on?"

"Let's just say we bought the vegetable pizza because we knew you hated it and would eat as little as possible," Bia answered.

"Which was what Jayson wanted since he had plans for you both." Dwayne continued.

By then Jayson was standing at our table.
"Hi guys, thanks for your help," Jayson said giving Dwayne a handshake and Biannca a hug.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I have plans for us. Let's go." He answered as he pulled my chair out and he helped me to stand.

I turned to Biannca and Dwayne and kissed their cheeks. "I'll see you later guys, love y'all, and thank you."

"You're welcome, hun," Biannca said smiling. "Now, get going, we need to order actual food. That pizza was not my cup o' tea."

Jayson lead me to his car. It was not one of the cars I've seen him drive before. I asked him before how many cars he had, and was amazed when he told me the amount, although I was more focused on overthinking.


At that time we were going to watch a movie at a movie theater close by Jayson's home. It was our first time going to a movie theater together since Jay doesn't like being in crowded areas, but because I loved going to the movie theater; he made the sacrifice.

"Jay," I said, as we were on our way to the movie theater.

"Ash." He said, mocking my tone.

"How many cars do you have?"

"A few. Why?"

"I just wanted to know. You change cars a lot."

"I have about twenty, excluding my pick-up trucks and a few other cars at parents' home."

"Why do you need so many cars?"

He shrugged. "I like cars."

"When you like something you get a lot of them?"

"Yes. Different types for different purposes."

My mind started to run a mile a minute after his statement. "Oh, so you like girls. Does that mean that you have different girls for different purposes?"

His eyes moved to look at me then back to the road. "Where did that come from?"

With an attitude, I said, "Just asking."

"No, I don't have different girls. I have one girl- my girlfriend who overthinks things, that's it."

Sinking in my seat I said. "Well, maybe she can't help it. I mean you're a very attractive guy, with a great body and you're a businessman. Girls must be throwing themselves at you."

"My girlfriend doesn't need to worry about other girls because I know what I want today and in the future. Her."

"That's so sweet."

The ride got silent again until Jay spoke. Mainly to himself. "Women are just incredible beings. One moment they are asking you about cars, the next they are accusing you of being involved with different women. That's art right there."

We were on our way to wherever he was taking me. He had one hand on the wheel, and the next was held by both my hands. We were sitting in comfortable silence when he spoke.
"Can you drive?"

I laughed because of his randomness. "Yes, I can. I have a driver's license." Removing one of my hands from his, I searched my handbag until I found my driver's license. "Here is it. I am saving to buy a car now. I saved up the amount to buy a car once but I had to use it to help pay for my grandma's funeral and clear up some of her debts."

Squeezing my hand he replied, "I'm sorry to hear that. How about you take my Wald S Coupe?"


"Why not?"

"It's yours."

"I'm giving it to you." He said in a 'duh' voice.

"No thanks."

"Ok, take anyone you want."

"No. They are yours. I don't want to inconvenience you." I reasoned.

"I have a lot of cars. Your reasons are ridiculous. You're taking one of the cars." His tone was one of finality, almost as if he was talking business.

"How about this, I'll drive your Wald S until I get my own car?"

"Ok fine."

Soon after, Jayson parked the car in a parking lot at the back of a building. I couldn't tell what kind of business it was since the back of the building had no signs or posters.

Jayson got out and helped me out the car and led me around the building towards the front. It was an indoor car dealership. Pushing the glass door, Jayson motion for me to go in. As soon as the door closed a man walked to us, stretching his hands out towards Jayson.

"Jayson." The guy said in an Italian accent. I could tell he had been in America for a few years because I could also hear a bit of an American accent. He shook hands with Jayson, then turned to me. "You look stunning."

"Hi, thank you," I said as he held my hand and kissed it.

Jayson took my hand from his. "Piero, don't touch her," Jay said in a firm voice.

I heard the name Piero before but, couldn't remember where.
"Sorry, my man. I didn't know. I mean, you've never carried a girl here before, and you come here quite often."

"That's because I've never felt the way I do now with anyone else, so I would advise you not to touch her again or I'll break your hand at every joint." I have never heard a more serious tone in my life.
Piero in the media

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