14- Black Or Platinum

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I packed my bags quickly, smiling the entire time, then I took a quick shower and styled my hair. I dressed in a white blouse with small buttons and left some of the buttons open. I paired the blouse with a pair of jeans shorts and tied a plaid flannel around my waist.

I slid a white pair of converse on, grabbed the traveling bag and made my way to my living room, where I saw Jayson sitting. As soon as I entered the living room, Jayson got up and took my bag from me.

"You look great." He said as he took my bag. "Let's go."

We exited the apartment and closed my apartment door, soon after we were on our way to his home.

Jayson's hands were back on my lap when we were on our way to his home. I didn't make any effort to move his hand this time- I didn't want to push my luck. On the way to Jayson's home, I got really hungry, then I remembered that I had not eaten breakfast that morning and had only eaten one slice of the vegetable pizza.

I held his hand in my lap, playing with his fingers. "Jay."

"Yes, babe."

"I'm really, really hungry."

"We'll be home in less than an hour, can you wait until then or are you too hungry?" He asked.
He said, 'we'll be Home'. I instantly got butterflies in my stomach. I found myself smiling hard, I couldn't believe that I, Ashley Andrews, an independent woman, was acting so silly and childish.

Jayson squeezed my fingers. "Babe."

"Yes?" I asked, returning to consciousness.

"Are you extremely hungry?"

"Oh. Yeah."

"What do you want?"

"There's a burger king up ahead." I pointed out.

"You want burger king?" He asked in a weird tone.

"Yes, Jay. What's wrong with burger king?"

"Nothing." He said pulling into the Burger King drive-through.

Luckily, there were no cars in the drive-through. I ordered chicken fries and a pumpkin spice oreo shake.
I turned towards Jayson afterward. "You want anything babe?"

"A coffee."

"No Jay. Your body has too much caffeine, you drink at least five coffee a day. How about something without caffeine for a change?"

"Ok, what?"

"I would say a milkshake but you don't drink milk. How about a lemonade?"

He rolled his eyes. "Ok fine."

I clapped my hands. "Great! What type?"

"I don't know. I never bought from burger king before."

I looked at him shocked then remembered that the lady was still waiting on me to order. I ordered a regular frozen lemonade for Jay. When I was finished ordering, the lady told me how much I owed. Jay drove to the next part of the drive-through and gave me his black card.

"Jay this is burger king, a black card? Really?"

He dug into his pockets. "I only have black or platinum cards."

I started to laugh. "Ok, but I guarantee, no one has ever bought burger king with a black card before."

He found some cash in his back pocket and handed me everything. I counted it and found that he gave me $300. I tried to return $250 but he shook his head.

We got the food and were back on the road in no time. As soon as the chicken fries got in my mouth I moaned loudly which caused Jay to look at me quickly then return his vision to the road.

"I can't believe you've never had a meal from BK before," I said as I placed the straw in the lemonade cup and handed it to him.

He shrugged and took the drink.

"How was it, babe?" I asked excitedly.

"It tasted like lemonade."


When Jay pulled up to his gate, I had already finished eating and was sipping on my milkshake. We reach his gate and he pressed the button he had in his car that opened the gate. The entrance to his house was quite complex because he had two gates, the second gate was manned by ex-soldiers that had issues getting jobs when they were out of combat. They worked in shifts of four to five persons per day. After passing the second gate we drove up to the house and Jayson helped me out the car, grabbing my bag while doing so.

He opened his front door and moved so I could enter first and what I saw had me surprised and in tears. His floors were decorated with red flower petals that led to a huge bouquet of flowers. I turned around quickly to Jay.

"Jay, what's going on?" I asked rubbing his arms.

He shrugged and rubbed his chin against my forehead. "I'm treating you, babe."

I hugged him. "Thank you. This means so much. I really appreciate it."

"Your welcome. Now, can we move away from the doorway?"

I laughed and nodded my head, following the path the roses made. They lead me to beautiful red and white roses which smelled wonderful. I noticed after, that the rose path continued and started to follow the trail through Jay's huge house. It lead me into the dining room where I saw Jayson standing at a dining table. When had Jayson moved? The table was set for two persons and had lit candles sitting in the middle of the table. I went up to Jay and he pulled me into a hug, then kissed the top of my head.

"I got a chef to cook dinner for us." He moved away and pulled out a seat for me to sit.

"Thank you," I said as I sat. He replied by kissing my cheek. He then walked to the kitchen. Jayson returned with a gentleman that was dressed in a suit.

"Good day ma'am. I'm Jacob your server for the day. Dinner will be served soon. Can I offer you both something to drink?" He reached for the wine and the champagne that was sitting in the ice bucket.

"I'll have the champagne, please," I said as I laced my fingers with Jayson's.

"Wine," Jayson replied curtly. I squeezed his fingers as hard as I could. His eyes shot to mine. I gave him a look and he sighed, then said "Please." to the gentleman.

When he was finished pouring the wine the guy said. "I will return with your meal shortly. Is there anything else I can assist you with before I go?"

"No, thank you, Jacob," I replied. He nodded briefly and left.

"Thank you, babe," I said after taking a sip of my champagne. Jayson lightly kissed my hand, which was wrapped in his.

"I can't believe you planned this," I said thinking out loud. After a few seconds, Jacob returned with the meals. It was beautiful and well plated.

"Good day again sir, ma'am. Your dinner is served. For you sir, we've prepared pepper shrimp over watercress, sweet plantain, and avocado. Ma'am your dish is fried fish and sautéed shrimp- seafood alfredo, and hot honey fried chicken."

"Thank you." Jayson and I said simultaneously. Jacob left after refilling our glasses.
I turned to Jayson. "Two dishes for me alone?"

"Yes, I remember you said you loved seafood, but I didn't want the chef to only make seafood in case you wanted something else."

"Well, thank you, they both look delicious."

We ate together and had small talk. After the meal, we left the dining room and I went upstairs. Jayson stayed downstairs for a few minutes to see the cleaners, the chef and the rest of his staff out.

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