30- Eliminated

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I finished packing my bags and laid on the sofa. I waited for Jayson for a while until he got home at around 5 PM. I heard when he unlocked the front door, so I sat up on the couch and waited on him to enter the living room.

"Hey, babe," Jayson said smiling as he loosened his tie. "I thought you were gonna wait for me naked." He walked towards me and hugged me. My hands stayed at my sides. "What's wrong baby?"

I pushed him away and stood up. "Please don't touch me."

He raised his eyebrows and he licked his lips. I could tell he was surprised at my tone. His lips twitched. "What's going on?"

I raised my hand and slapped him across his face, causing his head to twist. The slap echoed across the room. Jayson grabbed both my hands, with wide eyes, he pulled me to him and shook me a bit. "What the f**k is wrong with you Ashley?"

I violently tried to pull away from him and he released me. I could feel tears building up and willed them back. "You're a psycho! How could you do this to me!" I screamed.

Jayson took a 'throw pillow' off the couch and threw it across the room and started to shout. "So help me, Ashley, if you don't tell me what's going on!"

I moved away from him and stood behind the couch. "I saw the room!"

His voice lowered. "What room?"

"The room downstairs in the garage you-you ugh!" His face fell. He started to walk towards me and reached out to me. "Don't you dare!" I shouted.

"Ashley let me explain, please."

I wanted to say no, but, I deserved an explanation. I took a step back and stayed quiet. He took my silence as consent and talked. "You weren't supposed to see that room. How'd you get in there?"

"I took a tour of the house and ended up in your garage. The door opened when I leaned against the Camaro."

He ran his fingers through his hair and swore. "What did you see?"

I got chills instantly. "Everything. The pictures, the documents, everything." He swore again. "Why Jay? Why'd you do this?"

He moved and sat on the couch, therefore I was looking at his back. I gave myself encouragement and slapped him on the back. He didn't budge. "I need answers, Jay. I saw the pictures!"

"You wouldn't understand!"

"You don't know that!"

He sighed out loud. "Piero's father was a senior lieutenant in the army. A few years before we joined the army, he left the army. While Piero and I were in the army his father died of a heart attack. Before Piero's father died he wrote a journal about some important- yet secret army information that he found out about, but no one knew he knew this information."

Jayson stopped talking for a while and held down his head. I almost went towards him, but I decided against it. "When he died, they called Piero and told him, but he was unable to get a few days off to attend the funeral because we were in the middle of destroying a group of terrorist's home-base. Piero's father's lawyer emailed him a few days later and told him that his father had left some documents for him. Piero was unable to collect them, therefore, my father collected them." He coughed a bit. "When my father got the documents he went through it and found a key, after days of investing he found the locker that the key went along with it."

He stopped talking again, this time for more than a minute. "Continue," I mumbled.

"My father read everything. I got a one week break and went home and my father showed me everything he found and demanded that I retract my enrolment in the army but I refused because I knew how hard and tedious that would be. So I went back and gave Piero all the information I got. A few weeks later I found out my father, through his links in the army, managed to get me discharged from the army."

He stood up and tried to hold my hand but I slapped his hands away from me. "Continue and don't you dare touch me."

"The night before I was allowed to leave, Piero and I stayed up all night and made a plan. The main aim of our plan was to get my father's links in the army to help him get out of the army." He looked down on the ground. "The morning when we finally got the documents to get Piero out, I got a call that he was severely injured. They release him in a coma."

"All of this has nothing to do with the pictures Jay," I said, then regretted it because I sounded too harsh.

He looked at me. "It does. After almost two years, Piero got better and we decided to carry out what we had planned." He paused and gave me a pleading look.

I shook my head. "What was in the documents Piero's father left?"

He sighed out loud. "Ashley-"

"No!" I interrupted. "I deserve to know."

"It was information about an illegal gun trade and human trafficking ring that was occurring and was being covered up by some leaders in our country." I nodded. "We got a list of names of the persons that were involved. All those persons knew about what was going on."

He walked off suddenly and exited the room. I stood in the room before I decided to leave. Jayson reentered the room as soon as I pulled my suitcase from its original spot. I released the suitcase and hurriedly moved away from him. I went to stand behind the couch again.

He stared at me with a lot of emotion but he didn't leave the doorway. "Are you afraid of me?"

I shook my head slowly. His eyes told me he didn't believe me. "I would never hurt you, ever. You know this baby."

I remained quiet and stayed behind the couch. He cleared his throat as he walked towards the couch and stood directly in front of the couch. That was when I noticed a few sheets of paper in his hand. "This is a list of some girls that were being trafficked." He dropped the papers on the couch. There was a long list of names.

"Where are these girls now?" I asked nervously.

"Most are dead. The bastards that bought them used them as sex slaves and didn't feed them. Some were murdered. The rest of the kids were released due to fear because most of the heads of the trafficking ring were being eliminated. The elimination caused everyone to fear for their lives."

"Eliminated?" I asked nervously.

He cleared his throat. "I killed them."

I almost fainted. The tears I tried to keep at bay previously were now pouring out my eyes down my face. He reached out towards me. I backed away from his hand.

"Ashley, baby-"


He sighed out loud. "Piero's father left a list of persons that were involved in the illegal trading ring. I know you hate me right now but I had to save these kids and future kids before anything thing else happened-"

"How many persons have you killed?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I can't tell you that."

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