26- Slow Down

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Jayson sped out the parking lot of the mall and onto the road. He was speeding on the road, doing 120kmph on a 40kmph road. Recklessly overtaking all the cars on the road. I started to freak out, while tears flowed out my eyes.

"Jay please stop, we're going to get in an accident."

He slowed down the car and gripped the steering wheel tightly. I could see his knuckles getting white by the second. He continued driving, this time adhering to the speed limit. Five minutes later, we reached Jayson's parents' home. As soon as the car pulled up to the house I opened the car door and ran towards the house.

"Ashley!" I heard Jayson say behind me.

His commanding voice didn't control me at that time. I ran up to the door and pulled the door, I silently thanked God that the door was open. How embarrassing would it be if I had to wait on Jayson to open the door after running away from him? As soon as I got inside I was attacked by hugs.

"Ashley are you ok?" Jayson's mother asked, still hugging me.

I chuckled "Yes, I am." I said as I pulled away from them.

Nicole stared at me. "Your eyes are red."

Jayson entered the house at that moment. I turned around and looked at him and became unbelievably overwhelmed, causing me to tear up.
I turned to Nicole. "I'm fine."

Jayson came towards me and reached for my hand but I moved my hand away and walked off, heading up the stairs. I could hear his mother angrily talking to him as I went.

I entered the bedroom Jayson and I shared and took the pillows and placed them in the middle of the bed, dividing the bed in two. I laid on what I considered my side and turned my back to his side of the bed. A few seconds later, Jayson entered the room and walked over to the bed. I felt him remove the four pillows that I used to divide the bed. He then laid directly behind me and placed his hand over my waist. I flung his hand away.

"I overreacted, I apologize." He said placing his hand around my waist again- I pushed it off.

"Don't touch or talk to me," I said.

"Ashley, baby, I'm sorry." He kissed the back of my head.

I moved away from him and went closer to the edge of the bed. He moved with me. I continued to move more and more until I was at the very edge of the bed.

"Ashley if you move again you'll fall off."

"Leave me alone."

He got off the bed, this caused me to back up on the bed a bit, not wanting to fall off. He walked around the bed to my side. He went down on his knees before me. Not wanting to see him I closed my eyes.

He kissed my forehead gently. "What can I do to make you forgive me?"

I didn't answer. He continued begging me, kissing me and trying to get me to talk to him. I got annoyed and got up and left the room. I went downstairs and went out the kitchen door that lead outside. I found Jayson's father sitting outside reading a newspaper.

"May I join you?" I asked.

He sat up. "Yes. Yes of course." He replied.

I sat down on a chair beside him and sigh out loud when I felt my body relaxing.
"Rough day?" Jayson's father asked.


"I heard about what happened at the mall, Janet told me. She said you came home crying."

I sighed shakily. "Your son's an idiot."

He laughed out loud and nodded. "I agree."

"When your wife and daughter left, he tried to kill us by doing over 100kmph in a 40kmph zone, overtaking everything that he gets near and driving extremely recklessly. I don't even know why he got upset with me and I did nothing wrong."

"Jayson is really overprotective when it comes to his loved ones. I guess he freaked out thinking about what could have happened to you. When he calms down he'll come and apologize."

"He already did," I said rolling my eyes. "I'm not gonna forgive him that easily."

Todd rolled his eyes. "You've spent too much time with my wife."

I started to laugh until I saw Jayson approaching us.

"Dad, I'm going to borrow Ashley for a few minutes." He grabbed both of my hands before I could move away and pulled me up. His father nodded.

He pulled me towards the back of the house where the detached garage was and pushed me on one of his father's jeep. He pressed his forehead against mine.

"I hate you," I said defiantly.

"No, you don't." He whispered kissing my face all over. "You love me."

I tried to push his body away from me, but he would not budge. I started hitting him repeatedly on the chest and he took the hits as if they were nothing. I gave up and sighed loudly. "I don't hate you Jay but, I'm upset with you. I need you to leave me alone for a while."

He kissed my nose. "I can't."

"Please," I said begging.

He nodded and kissed my forehead. "Don't divide our bed with the pillows, I still need to feel you beside me." He walked off.

Later that day, Nicole, Janet and I went to the beach that Nicole's birthday party was being kept. We went to ensure that the beach was up to Nicole's standards. We had dinner at a restaurant on the beachside before heading back home. We got home at around 10 PM and found Jayson and his father playing video games on the couch.

Jayson's mother went to the men and stood in front of the television. "Pause the game, please. I'm ready to go to bed and I need my husband."

Nicole and Jayson groaned loudly. "TMI mom. We didn't need to hear that." Nicole said stuffing her ears with her fingers and sped up the stairs.

Jayson's father stood up and kissed his wife on the lips soundly before they both headed off to their bedroom. I walked up to Jayson and held his hand in mine pulling him off the couch. He stood up and we walked together to his room. I entered the room and he entered after me and closed the door. I headed to the bathroom. After showering I exited the bathroom in my robe. I found Jayson stark naked in the room, with a partially erected penis. I started to pray for strength because I was extremely close to begging him to have sex with me.

I went to bed quickly. I pulled the sheet up to my neck and turned around so that I could no longer see Jayson. I heard him leave the room whistling. Soon after, I felt the bed dip behind me. He stayed on his side of the bed and didn't bother me. After a while fell asleep.

I jerked awake with my southern lips moist and a warm rough object running against my clit. I tried to clamp my legs shut but was unable to. A head was between my legs. I moved the sheet away from my body and found Jayson's face deep in my vagina. I couldn't see his face, only his hair. I started moaning and couldn't stop. He had his tongue rolling around my clit. The pleasure I was facing was unbelievable. I build up so fast and crashed hard.

He gave me one final lick before he moved back on the bed and laid down, pulling the sheet over himself. I laid on the bed shaking a bit, breathing hard. Seconds later, Jayson pulled the sheet over my body. I had no idea when I fell asleep all I know is I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed.

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