7- Soft

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He drove a different car today. It looked really expensive.

I should have googled him.

While in his car I got really nervous. I wondered if Jayson was a drug dealer or maybe a thief. I remembered that he told me that he was a lawyer and businessman but I needed reassurance.

"Um, Jayson."

"Yes?" He said looking at me briefly before returning his vision to the road.

"What did you say was your occupation again?"

His lips turned up slightly into a half-smile.
"I'm a lawyer." He started. "And also a businessman. I took over my father's architectural firm a few years ago and opened a few law firms. I also have shares in a few restaurants and hotels here and there. Trust me, I'm not a drug dealer." Four sentences back to back. That's a record.

"How did you know that I thought you were a drug dealer?"

"Lucky guess." He got silent after that.

After traveling for one hour we pulled up to an empty park with beautiful lighting. I was shocked at how wonderful the open area looked. Jayson came around my side of the car and helped me out. My fingers slid in between his manly fingers. I looked down at our entwined fingers and noticed that they looked good together.

I got a better view of the park when I exited the car. The trees were decorated in white lights, as red lights ran on the ground, connecting to the trunks of the trees. The lights outlined a square-shaped area. Within the square was a large rug that had various dishes laid out on it. A skinny blonde male dressed in black and white stood just outside the square with a huge bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"Wow," I whispered quietly.

He walked me towards the blonde gentleman.

"Sir, madam." He said bowing. He then gave the bouquet of flowers to Jayson. "If you need anything, I'll be over there." He said pointing towards some trees. "Good night." With that, he walked away.

Jayson handed me the bouquet of flowers. They were red, white and pink in color.
"Thank you." I smelt them. "They are beautiful."
He nodded and led us towards the layout.

It was really weird seeing a guy like Jayson sitting on the ground. I could see that he was out of his comfort zone. While we ate, we talked about random stuff which made dinner more fun and interesting.

An hour later, I was indulging in ice cream and a slice of strawberry cake that came from the mini-fridge on the rug we sat on. While Jay, who did not like milky products stuck to the cake alone.

"So you were in the army?" I asked. We were talking about a badge that my father gave me when I was little, that holds sentimental value in my life when he said 'that's how I feel about my distinguished service medal.'

"Yes." He said curtly.

"Soooooooo..." I said, trying to make him expound on his answer.

"So what?"

"Tell me about it." I pushed.

"There's nothing much to tell."

"How was the army? What was it like?"

"Fine, I guess."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm trying Jay, help me out here."

"I dropped out of law school and joined the army when I was twenty-one. I left the army when I was twenty-four. I finished law school after leaving the army."

"Why'd you leave? Did you get injured?" I asked worriedly.

"No, my father wanted me out, because of personal issues, so he pulled some string and I was forced out."

I scooted closer to him. "You didn't want to leave?"

He pulled me closer to him. I was almost in his lap. "Not at that time, but, I guess it was for the best."

"You say that, but, your eyes say something different."

"Are you sure you did your major in business management and not psychology?"

I had to laugh, even though there was a seriousness in the air.
"Stop changing the subject," I said smiling at him. "Did you want to stay?"

"Yes, but I don't regret leaving."

I sat on my knees and threw myself at him. He caught me and fell backward. I hugged him tightly.
"What are you doing?"

"Hugging you," I said looking up at him.

Then he did something I've never seen him do before.

He smiled.

He graced me with his beautiful smile. Pearly whites shone brightly.
I couldn't help but laugh. "You smiled." I pointed out.

Suddenly, he grabbed my cheeks and pressed his soft yet firm lips on mine. I had fishes and butterflies in my belly. We continued kissing, then one of his hands moved from my face to my waist. He squeezed my waist which made me scream a bit. He took that opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth, causing us to engage in an intense tongue battle. Sucking, pulling, biting.

He slowed the kiss down after a while, I guess he sensed that the kiss was getting too heated. Seconds later, our lips parted. That was when I noticed that I was still laying on him.
"Thank you for tonight," I said getting off him.

He nodded. "I should get you home."

I don't know why, but his statement hit me like a stack of bricks.
He helped me up and we walked towards his car in silence, and he drove me home in silence.
When he pulled up to my apartment I felt unwanted. As soon as he parked the car in front of my apartment I opened the car door and started walking towards the apartment's main door. I heard his car door slam shut.

"Ashley." I continued walking.

"Ashley stop, right now." His voice got a lot deeper and stronger.

Almost immediately my feet stopped. 'Weakling!' my mind screamed.
I felt a presence behind me before he held my wrist and turned me around.
"What just happened?"

I got angry then. "What do you mean Jayson? You basically told me to get lost after our heated make-out session. So, I am doing just that."

His eyes darkened "When did I tell you to get lost?"

"Y-you...." I couldn't find the words to complete the sentence. I may have overreacted. Feeling ashamed I held my head down.
He held my cheek, just like he did before and gave me a sweet, warm kiss on the lips. When we broke the kiss he handed me the flowers he gave me earlier. I didn't notice I had left them behind.

"Stop overthinking. I'll call you tonight. Go inside."

I nodded. "Goodnight Jay."

With that, I turned away and walked into my apartment. When I entered my bedroom I moved the curtain a little to look outside. Jayson was still standing out there looking up at the apartment. I stretched towards the light switch and flicked it on. After seeing the light in my apartment, he slowly got into his car and drove off.

Fifteen minutes after, Jayson called me. We spent five hours talking. He made me explain why I acted the way I did earlier, and we ended up speaking about random stuff until early Saturday morning.
What Jayson wore on the date in the media.

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