9- Healthy Jealousy

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"Hey, Jay!" I said waving at him.

He got closer to me and that's when I noticed that his jaws were clenched tight, and a frown was on his face. I could see a small wrinkle between his eyes and his lips were pressed into a thin line.

"Who was that?"

"Who?" I was honestly confused.

His voice got really low when he said, "The guy driving the blue f**king Honda."

He knows I hate swearing. "Jay, you shouldn't swear."

"Ashley, I'm trying to keep calm here." He said before saying. "Are you cheating on me?"

"What? What are you talking about? That was Dwayne my best friend that I told you about. He's the guy who brings me home sometimes."

His facial expression visibly relaxed. "Why were you hugging?"

"Oh my gosh, Jayson! It's what friends do. He was telling me that his girlfriend cheated on him and I was comforting him as a best friend should. You've seen me hug Biannca before."

"That's different."

"No, it's not," I said in a calm voice.

He sighed softly. I was about to invite him up to my apartment, then I noticed what he said before.
"You asked if I was cheating on you as if we are in a relationship. You can only cheat on someone if you're in a relationship with them."

"And we aren't?"

"You never asked me to be your girlfriend. You just wouldn't take a hint. I was basically begging you to ask me."

"I didn't know that I had to ask, I thought it was automatic."

I was shocked. "It's not."

"Ok fine. You want to be my girlfriend?" He said looking amused.

"No," I said walking off, but not before grabbing his hands and pulling him with me.

"What? Why not?" He asked. By then we were in the elevator going up to my apartment.

"Would you want someone to ask you to be with them like that?"

"Well, I wouldn't have to be asked at all, since I thought it was automatic." He mumbled more to himself than to me.

I slapped his chest. Just then the elevator came to a stop. "Don't be a smart ass."

"Can't help it." He replied smirking.

Avoiding his comment, I opened my apartment door. When I got inside I went into my bedroom and shut the door. I changed my clothes and was about to open the door when I heard a knock on the door.
"What?" I asked, speaking loud enough for him to hear me through the door.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I opened the door and walked past him. "No."

"Oh come on!"

I avoided his rant and went into the kitchen to prepare our dinner. I heard him pacing in my living room and smiled to myself. I was halfway through cooking dinner when Jayson came into the kitchen. I was standing at the sink cutting vegetables when I felt his presence behind me. He wrapped his hands around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.
He started to peck my cheek continuously. It between pecks he said, "Will (kiss) you (kiss) be (kiss) my (kiss) girlfriend (kiss) please?"

"No," I answered simply.
I expected him to start ranting again, instead, he laughed and walked off.

I finished cooking, plated the food and carried it to the table.
"Food's ready!" I shouted.

A minute later, we sat at the dining table. I started eating and noticed that Jay wasn't eating, instead, he was staring at me.

"Can I trust it?" He asked, pointing to the plate in front of him.

"Can you trust my food?"

"Yes. I mean. You didn't poison it did you?"

I rolled my eyes and stabbed the meat on my plate with a fork. "No jackass."

After that, he ate everything on his plate. He cleared the table and I washed the dishes while he dried them. When I finished cleaning up, I went to my bedroom. I had a shower and decided to lay down. Soon after, I heard my bedroom door open. I pretended to be asleep. I felt the bed dip behind me seconds after and a hand draped around my waist.
"I know you're awake babe."

I didn't move.
"Ok fine, I'll talk anyway." He said holding me tighter. "I'm sorry I overreacted with the hugging situation Ashley. I am really territorial, especially when it comes to you, so when I saw him hugging you I got upset. But hey, at least I didn't beat him up." A giggle escaped me. Traitor. "I really thought you were my girlfriend. I didn't know I had to ask you, babe. I thought you would know automatically."

He got really quiet. Only our breathing could be heard in the bedroom.
"Ashley, will you please be my girlfriend?"

Turning around in his arms I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his. "Of course."

Pinching my sides he whispered. "You better."

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