6- Pick Me Up

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It had been two days since I saw Jayson at the diner. I gave him my number and thought he would have contacted me by then. He didn't. I sat in my living room, it was about 7 PM on a Sunday night and I was watching the news while holding Jayson's business card. I was contemplating calling his number. I was never so torn about a decision in my life. I started watching the news to take my mind off Jayson but regretted it because as usual, the news was filled with persons dying. Tonight a Russian mob boss was shot; he was shot by his rival, Don Carlos. On the news, they were showing how they arrested Don Carlos. It was a huge brawl.

Deaths were unsettling so I decided to watch cartoons.

Halfway through 'Uncle Grandpa', my cell phone started to ring. I jumped off the couch and tried to find my phone. I had it beside me a few minutes prior to it ringing. I tried to use the ring tone to find the phone and was successful when I found it beneath my couch.

Unfortunately, after basically pulling my couch apart, my cellphone stopped ringing. Taking a step towards the table I picked Jay's business card up and checked to see if the number from the missed call and the number on the business card were the same. They weren't. I felt so disappointed.

I sat back on my couch almost in tears. 'What is wrong with me?' I thought. 'I can't believe I'm here going crazy over a stranger.'
My phone started ringing just then, it was the same number that called before.

"Hello?" I answered lamely.

"Ashley." A familiar deep voice said through the phone. Jayson.

"Jayson. Hey, how are you? Whose number is this? The number you're calling from is not the number on the business card. Did you change your number?"

I heard a low chuckle over the phone. "You ask a lot of questions."

"Oh, sorry, bad habit ."

"I'm fine, and no."

"What?" I asked puzzled.

"I was answering your questions. I'm fine and I didn't change my number. I'm calling from my private phone."

"Oh ok, that's great," I said awkwardly. Then I noticed something that made me laugh.


"That's the most you've ever spoken to me." I pointed out smiling to myself.

"It takes me a while to warm up to new people."

"Good to know. I have a question for you."

"Ask away."

"How old are you? Where are you from originally? What's your occupation?" I fired off immediately.

"Thirty, New Jersey, and I'm a lawyer and businessman."

"I'm twenty-five, you should know where I'm from since I told you before, but you probably weren't paying attention-"

"Grenada." He interrupted.

"Right. I'm the assistant for the secretary of Jamez Gauz."

That night we talked on the phone until minutes after twelve. The conversation was great, but of course, I did most of the talking. At the end of the night, Jay disclosed that he was going to pick me up Friday evening. It's funny how he told me instead of asking me. Normally I would have started to worry about his domineering attitude but something about him told me I could trust him. He told me to dress simply and comfortably.

Friday came and Biannca came over to assist me with getting ready. I told Biannca that it was the guy from the airport and she almost had a heart attack. She wanted me to call him and cancel, but after I got her to calm down, she decided to give him a chance. I finished getting dressed and felt extremely sexy as I stood in front of the mirror. I couldn't help but take a few selfies and full-body pictures.

"Biannca, thank you so much for helping me. I feel so sexy."

"Girl stop. You and I both know you are extremely beautiful and sexy with your curvy self."

"Thank you, Mami. I just hope Jay likes this look."

"Trust me he will." She said. She got really quiet, then I noticed that she was staring at me.


"I've never seen you so worried about a male's opinion."

"I just really want him to like me."

Biannca looked at me and smiled. Then she started making kissing faces.

Soon after, my doorbell rung causing my heart to stop beating. Biannca ran towards the door while I stood my ground. She opened the door, and there stood Jayson looking extremely handsome.

"Hello, handsome!" Biannca said looking Jayson up and down.


"Well, aren't you sexy."

Her statement woke me up from my trance. "Down Bia," I said as I tried to pull her away.

"Fine, be that way." She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Do you remember me? I was with Ash at the airport. I hope you never speak to her as you did before. Anyways, just so you know, I forgive you. But, if you hurt my friend I'll get our other friend to make his mafia friends beat you up."

Jayson blinked, unbothered about Biannca's comment. He then turned toward me and stared at me. "You look beautiful."

Blushing heavily I replied. "Thank you. You look handsome."

He held out his hand towards me. "Let's go."
I held his hand and told Biannca goodbye, and to lock up.

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