8- Commit

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Jayson and I had been talking for two months, and we went on more than twenty dates during that time. We also spoke to each other every day. With all that said, he still hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend, and I was dying for a commitment.

We got a lot closer over the two months, I even got him to talk more. The phone calls at night didn't stop when he was out of state or in other countries on business trips. We always found ways to work through time zones and distance. We have been to each other's homes multiple times. Some days he would come to my work during my lunchtime and bring me to his workplace where we would have lunch together. Sometimes we would go to his architectural office, while at other times we would go to his law firm.

Jayson was really sweet; he would send me roses at work or pop up at my house at night. I would lay in his lap until I fell asleep. We never had sex. We would only kiss and do not-so-modest touches here and there. The sexual tension between us was as thick as thieves.

I really liked him.
One night we were on the phone talking, well I was talking more than him, as usual. I was talking to him and he stopped answering, so I got really annoyed.
"Jay, if you don't want to talk you can hang up," I said with an attitude.

I heard some shuffling in the background but he didn't respond to my statement.
"Jay, are you ok?"
"I'm getting worried Jay."
"Ok, fine don't answer. I'll just hang up." I didn't, I stayed on the phone for another minute.

"Open the door." His voice came over the phone.

"Who are you talking to Jay? Stop avoiding me." I responded feeling angry.

"Ashley, open your front door."

"Oh! You were talking to me? I thought you were talking to someone else because I was talking to you but you weren't answering so I got angry, then scared, then angry again-"

"Ashley, the door."

"Oh! I forgot." I jumped off the couch, ran to the door, and swung it open with all my might. As soon as I saw him I jumped into his arms. He held me tightly and kissed my cheek lightly.

"Hi, Jay."

"Hi, babe."

My heart stopped then and there. I swear I blacked out for a second. He called me BABE!!!!!
I started to laugh wholeheartedly. In between laughs, I said. "You called me babe."
He busted out laughing. That was the first time I've ever heard him laugh out loud.

Since then things were great, but as I said before, I got no commitment. I was afraid to bring up a relationship because I didn't want to push him away. Therefore, I tried to be patient. I did, however, have a deadline for commitment in my head. If he didn't ask me to be his girlfriend within the next two months I would ask him about what's going on between us.


I was in the reception area at work waiting on Biannca and Dwayne, on a Friday afternoon. It was after work. Dwayne was finalizing some documents and Biannca had not left her office yet. Dwayne was going to carry Bia and I home, therefore, I patiently waited on him while I played color switch on my phone.

I heard loud shouting to my left which scared the living daylights out of me. I turned towards the sound and found Mrs. Gauz on top of Ms. Cannon, slapping her face continuously. Ms. Cannon was underneath taking the beating while screaming for her life. Coworkers of mine stood there watching the brawl, looking a bit too happy that Ms. Cannon's face was being damaged.
Soon after, Mr. Gauz and two security guards came in and pulled Mrs. Gauz off the beat-up lady.

After everything cleared up, I saw Biannca running towards me in her nude 6" jimmy choo shoes.
"I always miss the drama!" She shouted coming towards me.

"Don't worry, I videoed it," Dwayne said handing his phone to Biannca.

A few minutes later, we were in D's car. Slowing down his car he said, "I'm hungry. Dinner on me?"

Biannca perked up in her seat automatically. "Sure, let's eat."

Dwayne pulled up to a restaurant that I've never been to. We went inside and ordered dinner and talked.

I was halfway through eating when I saw Jayson walk in with a lady in a business suit. As usual, he looked handsome in his dark suit. As much as I wanted to say 'hi', I didn't. I didn't want to interrupt his meeting.

The last time we sat at opposite sides of a restaurant he caught me staring, so I tried as best as possible not to look in his direction. I doubt he saw me, however, since I was seeing the back of his head from where I was.

We finished eating and left the restaurant. Jayson didn't see me leave because he was engaged in conversation with the female with him. D drove to Biannca's home first. Biannca lived with her mother, not because she wanted to, but because her mother was a bit clingy when it came to her kids. Her two older brothers managed to escape but Bia has yet to escape her mother's hold.

D took me home after dropping Bia off. When we reached my apartment Dwayne walked me to my apartment building's main door. D being the gentlemen he is, would always walk Biannca and I to our doors whenever he dropped us home.

"I need your advice," Dwayne said as we walked up to my apartment's main door.

"What's up?"

"Monica and I have been together for a while as you know and-"

"You're proposing?" I interrupted just as we reached the door.

"No. I'm breaking up with her."


"Look, she cheated on me. I found out last night. Her phone was ringing so I answered, the guy said 'Hey babe'. I asked her about it and after a shouting match she confessed." He rubbed his face with his hands. "I didn't even get upset after hearing her confession. I was kinda relieved."

"So you want to break it off?"

"Yes. I want to be free. So, what do you think?"

"I don't know D. Do anything that makes you happy, I'll always support you. I want you as happy as possible." I pulled him towards me in a tight hug. "You know I love me some you right?"

He kissed me on the cheek. "You have to. I mean, I am one of your best friends and I love you too."

I rolled my eyes before we pulled apart. "See you tomorrow," I said.

"Love you bestie, bye." He said blowing me a kiss.

"You sound like a girl."

He got into his car and waved as he pulled off. While I was waving I saw Jayson walking towards me. That was when I noticed that his car was parked behind Dwayne's. When had he pulled up?
Dwayne in the media.

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