4- Mr. Stranger

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The guy in the ice cream truck gave me an ice cream cone that was larger than the one I got before. The entire time the stranger was holding my left wrist. He didn't release his hold until he was paying for the ice cream. He grabbed some napkins and handed them to me.

"Thank you. You didn't have to though."

He didn't answer. Instead, he stared at me. His expression was masked so I could not read it. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was really late, I needed to leave.

"Well thank you again, sir. I'm gonna head home. Enjoy the rest of your day." I didn't know why, but I felt slightly afraid of him yet weirdly attracted to him. His presence also made me feel like a child and act like a child. He was really handsome with strong jawlines and a sexy five o'clock shadow. He stood at about 6 ft tall which, in my book is was tall but not overly tall since I was 5 ft 6 inches. He was dressed in a suit that added to his look of authority and was kinda sexy.

I walked off, afraid to look back just in case I decided to jump on him and try to dry hump him. I walked back to my workplace and stood in front of the building. I decided to call a cab but when I retrieved my phone from my bag I noticed that my phone battery had died. Unfortunately, the doors for my workplace were already closed, and the security was nowhere in sight. Just my luck. I decided to stay out there and wait until an empty taxi appeared. A half an hour later I was still standing in the same spot. It was dark by then.

A lime green Lamborghini Aventador pulled to the curb in front of me. I silently prayed that this was not a rapist or someone who thought I was a 'lady of the night'. The car stood at my feet for about two minutes with the engine still running. Feeling determined, I decided not to move or show fear.

The car door closest to me soon opened. I noticed that it was the passenger side of the car as I didn't see anyone sitting in the seat nor did I see a steering wheel. I slowly took a step back from the opened door.

"Get in." A deep voice inside the car said.

That made me back away even more. I was not about to get in a car with a total stranger.
"Listen, I don't have any money, nor am I a prostitute, so please leave me alone," I said in a soft voice, yet it was loud enough for the driver to hear.

Suddenly the driver's door opened and someone exited the car. The person stood directly at the car door. On closer inspection, I noticed that the driver was the stranger from the airport and the park.

"Get in." He repeated. Why was his face always blank?

"I'm ok here, thank you."

He looked at me almost as if he could see right through me. "Get in."

He pissed me off then. Did he not hear me? "I said I'm fine here. You can leave now."

As soon as those words left my mouth he was at my side gripping my wrist pulling me towards his car. He pushed me inside the car as gently as he could with me violently hitting him with my free hands.
"Let me go, you weirdo!!"

Of course, he avoided me and pushed me inside the car and closed the door. I attempted to open the car door when he walked away, however, my attempts failed as he had child locks on his car. Damn it. He walked around the car and open the driver's side of the car and got in. As soon as he turned toward me I gave him the hardest slap I could muster up. He looked quite shocked as he used his right hand to lightly brush his left jaw.

"I don't know who you think you are, but if you don't let me out of this car right now I'm gonna chop you in your Adam's apple," I said in a menacing voice.

All he did was shake his head and started the car. How rude! As soon as I started to carry out my threat he grabbed both of my hands in his left hand, while his right hand was on the steering wheel.

"Stop." He said in a calm voice. "I need the directions to your house."

"No! Are you crazy? Why would I give a weird, kidnapping stalker like you directions to my home?"

He released my hands. "No name-calling. I just want to help you home."

I threw my hands up in the air. "Is this the way you help someone home? By kidnapping them? What kind of twisted human being are you?"

His only reply was "Ok fine." Before he started driving.

I noticed after passing my workplace twice, that we were driving in circles. I looked over at him and noticed that he look quite calm and even more handsome than before if that was even possible.

"We are driving in a circle." I pointed out.

He looked at me and then returned his vision to the road. Right then, I decided to give up on life altogether because this was frustrating.

"Ok fine. I'll give you my address. I just want to know, are you planning to kill or harass me? Kinda want to mentally prepare myself, you know?"

"I won't hurt you."

"Promise me."

"I promise."

After that, I started to direct him to my home. It was really weird with him just driving and me giving directions, so I decided to start a conversation.
"Sooooo, don't you think that this," I pointed between us. "Is kinda weird?"

He gave me a side-eye then continued driving. I wasn't going to sit in that awkward silence again.
"Ok then. I saw you in Grenada the other day, but you look and sound American so I am going to assume you were just there for vacation. I am from there originally- take the next left- anyways, isn't Grenada just beautiful?"

Still no answer, he didn't even spare me a glance.
"Don't want to talk about Grenada? Fine. My name is Ashley, what's yours?"

He still avoided me.
I could now see my apartment as we drove down the street.
"I live in that cream-colored apartment ahead."

He pulled up to my apartment soon after and parked his car, then he got out and opened my door. Such a gentleman.
"Thank you."

"Your welcome." He said as he closed the car door behind me.

I stood in front of him. "You talk?" I asked acting shocked. "Or do you have a thing against talking in cars?"

He smirked and moved towards the driver's side of his car. "Good night Ms. Ashley."

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