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Tris's POV

Before my mistake, he had only let me fall once. And that was in love. Now, I have fallen everyday.

Fallen in heartbreak.
Fallen in tears.
Fallen in depression.
Fallen in rage.
Fallen in confusion.

But I have not once fallen in love since the day I fell in love with him. Tobias.

His name sends so many emotions coursing through my body. Love. Pain. Joy. Hurt. All mixed together. Every time I hear his name I want to break down into tears. Tobias.

He was my everything. He was the reason why I lived, and the reason why I loved. He completed me. He let me live. And I let him slip away from me.

But the worst part is that he didn't leave on his own. I'm the one that made the decision to leave him. I'm the one who pushed him away. Because I didn't want to ruin his career. His life. You might be asking what could ruin all of that? A baby. That's what could ruin it. Tobias.

He's the father of my child. I got pregnant at the end of high school, and I was scared. I didn't want to push the baby onto him when his career hadn't even started. That's why I left. I left to keep us safe. Tobias.

My mind told me that leaving him was the right thing to do, but my heart told me that it wasn't. I ended up listening to my mind. That stupid decision left my heart in pieces. It left me with a child to take care of on my own. It left me with a broken heart and an almost empty soul. It left me without my one true love. It left my life ruined. Tobias.

I honestly didn't know what to do without him when I first left. I was so used to him being there for me through everything that I almost cried each time I realized that he wasn't there. That he couldn't help me get through my problems. Tobias.

I miss him so much. I miss him everyday. I miss him more than I ever thought that I could miss someone. And I love him. I'll never stop. No matter what. Tobias.

Sometimes I don't know what to do with my life anymore. It's hard for me to get through one day. Sometimes I don't even want to be here.

But I continue to breathe. To try to find the bravery, the hope, the courage, the strength. To keep fighting. Because I have to fight for the people that I love.

Fight for my child. Fight for my family. Fight for my friends. And fight for my one true love. Even if he's over a thousand miles away.



Tobias's POV

There's a moment in everyones' life when they fall and hit the ground. Mine was when my one true love stopped loving me. Tris.

She always said that she loved me. And I always believed that she would never hurt me. Just like I would never hurt her. Apparently I was wrong.

Because she left me. And when she left me, she left me broken-hearted. She left me torn. She left me shattered. She left me in pieces. Tris.

Nobody can see my pain on the outside because I keep it all in. But I'm breaking on the inside. I'm so close to being completely broken. And it's because of one girl. Tris.

I remember something my dad used to tell me when I was younger. When a girl cries over a guy, it's pretty normal. But when a guy cries over a girl, he will never love another girl like that again. That's what's happening to me. I used to think that I would never cry over a girl. But I have cried over this one. Tris.

I don't hate her. I don't think I could ever hate her. What I do hate is being alone which is often. Because when I'm alone, I think. When I think, I remember. When I remember, I feel pain. When I feel pain, I cry. And when I cry, it's hard to stop. You'd be surprised at how many times I'm alone because I want to be though. I guess sometimes I just want to remember her. Even if I feel pain when I do. Tris.

None of that is even the worst part. The worst part is that she was pregnant. With my child. I have a child out there that I've never met. I might not even ever meet them. I don't even know if I have a son or daughter.

When it comes to information about her in magazines or on Tv about her life, I stay away from it. It's hard sometimes, but I do it. I feel like if I know if I have a son or a daughter, then it would make it worse. It would make me hurt worse. Tris.

My new friends, or my celebrity friends, don't understand why I don't like to watch her. But they don't know about my history with her. They don't know that every time I see her my heart breaks again. They don't know that I cry over a picture of her every night. They don't know that most of the time I want to be dead because I don't have her with me.

They don't know half of my life. They don't know half of my story. And they probably never will. Tris.

I really don't even want to be alive anymore. My life didn't really mean anything to me before I found her, my true love. And now that she's gone, I don't care what happens to me. I don't care if I die. I don't care if I disappear into thin air. Because without her, my life is pretty much dead and gone anyway. Tris.

The only reason why I haven't killed myself is because I know she would be disappointed in me. So I'm still alive. But only for her. Even if her love is no longer there.

Tris. My bumble bee.........

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