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When the clock struck four in the morning Em jerked awake panting once again. She noticed this time the pillow feathers were all in her hair, it had been ripped to shreds and the blanket was torn as if she had been attacked by some wild animal. She gazed down at the ruined sheets underneath her confused as she saw Dastan awake in the armchair. All the other men had left for their room last night after dinner, but Dastan had fallen asleep in the armchair and no one bothered him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her as she just held her head, and rubbed her shoulders.

"Confused" She responded pulling out a feather from her hair, as she sneezed from smelling the goose feathers. Dastan chuckled slightly as he shifted in his chair so he was facing Em.

"Every time the clock has struck the hour, you tense, you shout out but I don't understand what it is your saying, you rip the sheets and pillow and then wake up" He explained as she felt bad deep down for destroying Cyrena's furniture before she turned to Dastan feeling guilty.

"I haven't kept you awake have I?" She asked him as he chuckled and shook his head no. He left his armchair and walked over to her, removing a few feathers from her hair, as her eyes just watched his. He tried not to look but he couldn't resist, they held a long look. Their eyes sparkling at each betraying their feelings.

"Sleep" He whispered to her, as she lay back down on her stomach, but turned her head towards him, as she watched him return back to his armchair and got comfortable. Dastan happily watched Em, as she was falling asleep he was too.

This time, Em found herself in a dark room that went on for miles. She wasn't back in a royal throne room, surrounded by a cold presence like a ghost. Em spun around confused, where was she? She tried running forward only to hit a mirror that appeared from nowhere. She went to turn back only to find her reflection once more.

She found herself surrounded in a box with four reflections of her worried self-staring at one another. She slammed against the glass hoping for it all to break, not a crack. Something under her rumbled as she fell backwards, onto the floor. Screaming loudly kept drawing her downwards whilst she struggled to grab hold of anything. Just before her body was to crash against the ground she was jolted forwards.

Em woke panting, with Dastan looking concerned from her bedside. He had been trying to wake her but struggled in vain. Cyrena practically skipped into the room whilst Dastan recoiled, his eyes hardening towards the witch.

"Good you're awake" Cyrena stated, as Em just looked down, and ran a hand through her hair. She placed her legs over the edge of the bed, she held the edge of the bed, head hung taking in deep breaths. Eyes closed as she tried to convince herself it was only a dream.

"Dastan, breakfast is served. You know the way" Cyrena sternly spoke as it was evident in her voice she didn't want Dastan in the room any longer. He snorted being dismissed before leaving to join the rest of the men who were helping themselves to the food that appeared in front of them.

"How are you feeling?" Cyrena asked Em as she just looked up at the Witch breathless before she rose to her feet only to stumble as Cyrena had to steady her.

"Easy, easy, don't expect your strength to return to you straight away. You did have to deal with six days and night of torture" Cyrena reminded her as Em winced.

"When you leave today you must be cautious. Zal-Kath's mutts are lurking in the woods and I think we both know what it is they are after" Cyrena informed causing Em to freeze. She slowly looked at the witch, her hands clenched and beginning to glow green.

"I am not here to harm you. I wouldn't have saved you otherwise" Cyrena chuckled as she watched the magic fade away from Em's fingers.

"I shall take them East, the nymphs of the Eastern woods will help us" Em informed causing Cyrena to chuckle shaking her head.

"Much has happened since your time my Lady. They are no longer bound allies with you" She warned. Em blew out a sharp breath realising that what Cyrena was very true. Running a hand through her hair she tried to think of another way out of the western woods.

"Earl Reddington!" Em whispered with a smile on her face. The colour drained from Cyrena's face at the thought.

"He will help! If we can get close enough to the border.....we must leave soon" Em instructed with authority. Cyrena merely nodded her head and bowed slightly before guiding her towards the dining hall. The men grew silent upon seeing her confidently walk in beside Cyrena, before they all smiled and cheered. Em laughed sitting beside Edvard as the old man nodded happily in her direction. Reaching for her drink to take a sip she was quick to spit it out as her lips burned. Em gagged as many of the dwarves frowned.

"What is this?" Em asked her voice slightly hoarse. Cyrena chuckled from her seat as she drank her potion before placing the cup down and looked at the disgusted Em.

"It's a strengthening potion. It will give you strength on your journey. Your body is still in shock from.....from recent events" Cyrena chose her words carefully as Em just nodded. She took the cup glancing at it before she drank it down.

Few of the men laughed at her expression. She was holding onto her cup so hard from the disgust of the taste that it cracked under her grip. Em kicked Dastan under the table as he roared louder. They all ate in silence until they were full as they left for their rooms to grab their belongings. It wasn't long before they were all packed and ready to go. Cyrena had given them all a pouch containing the orange cubes for food. It was all she could offer before she pulled aside Em from the group as they all frowned.

"Be warned my dear. Not everything is what it seems" Cyrena hesitated glancing back at the group of men. Em felt nervous looking at them over her shoulder. What could she possibly mean by that?

"Good luck! May your presence go unnoticed for as long as possible." Cyrena blessed. Nodding in thanks the group turned to head back into the dark woods. Unaware that Cyrena's blessing wouldn't last long as yellow eyes watched them closely.  

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