Chapter 24

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~~~~~~~ December 13th: Mexico City: 12:05PM: End of America and Canada Section of Tour Interview~~~~~~~

"Thank you for coming today and asking such interesting questions. We in KREST would like to thank you for your endless support and love for us and our music!" Hyomin said happily in English, repeating in Spanish for the reporters.

Everyone began clapping as we stood and then shouted, "Thank you! HanDuSe*, urin K-R-E-S-T, KREST-imnida!" We bowed in sync and remained bent over while the press clapped wildly before standing up and waving as we walked backstage.

*Note: HanDuSe, is short for 1, 2, 3. The numbers are Hana, Dul, and Set, and Hyomin, when shouting this to make sure they all speak in sync, mashes them together to make it more aegyo-packed.*

"HanDuSe," Woohyun chuckled, "nice touch Hyomin-ah!" She chuckled and nodded her thanks before yawning. "I think our greeting is a lot better than it used to be!"

I nodded in agreement with a grin. "I like how when we shout 'K-R-E-S-T', Hyomin, me, you, Jiyeon, and DJ, we spell it out using our hands."

"Then the Maknaes make hearts one at a time on the K, E, and T," Jiyeon chuckled with a smile. "It was a good call changing our greeting Lideo-Yang! The fans really seem to like it and because we have to work together to make it look great, they've regained faith in the group."

"Our bow is really abrupt though," Dongjin commented with a frown. "It looks like a bend-and-snap." Hyomin flicked him on the forehead and he pouted before sighing. "Man, we haven't slept at all. I'm exhausted and we have more than half of the tour left."

"We've only been on tour for about four weeks DJ," Woohyun pointed out with a sigh. "We're on tour until February, so there's no backing out now, alright?"

"Who says I was backing out Hyung?" he protested with a frown. "I was only saying that I'm tired and we're all horribly overworked."

"Just relax until Unnie's birthday~" Jung Maknae said calmly with a smirk. "We get to relax during that time."

Hyomin rolled her eyes and said, "Jung Ae Cha, you know very well that I refused to take off for my birthday, so we're having a performance on that day. DJ, you'll have to be patient until Christmas Eve."

"Noona, your birthday is the day before Christmas Eve," Eunsung pointed out with a frown. "It's not like it would have made a big difference to take a day to enjoy your birthday."

"Listen, I attempted to consolidate time the best that I could because I wanted you all to be able to relax on tour, but I wanted to get you all back to Seoul as soon as I could," Hyomin explained nonchalantly. "If that means that I can't take off for my birthday, then so be it."

"But you have to celebrate!" Yuri protested with a frown. "You'll be seventeen this year! That's an important birthday! It's your last one before you're considered an adult."

"In all honesty, I don't really like celebrating my birthday," she admitted with a shrug. "It's just society's way of telling people that they're getting even older and are one year closer to death."

"Well that's an absolutely morbid and cynical way to look at it. -_-" Jiyeon sighed with a roll of her eyes. "Honestly Hyomin-ah, I don't think you'll ever change, will you?"

I chuckled lightly and nodded in agreement. "Of course that statement depends solely upon change in what sense you mean," I pointed out with a smirk. "Seriously though Hyomin, it's not like it would have killed you to take a day off to relax."

She rolled her eyes with an amused smile and retorted, "Now if I relaxed, what kind of leader would I be?"

"A normal one," Eunsung said quickly, raising laughs from the rest of us. "I think we're all used to you though, so we all know that you're abnormal Noona."

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