Chapter 16

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~~~~~~~ Plane: RapMon ~~~~~~~

"Ah, great performance guys!" I said enthusiastically as B.A.P stumbled sleepily onto the plane.

"All my love to you Namjoon," Youngjae said seriously, pointing at me with a nod. I made a heart with my hands and he winked at me.

"The level of bromance is too damn high," Woohyun groaned beside me, rolling his eyes with a sigh. "Don't you guys know it's like 10:45PM?"

Hyomin weakly groaned in agreement and curled up on the couch with a yawn as Zelo plopped down beside her. She rested her head on his leg and closed her eyes with a satisfied expression. "Junhong-ah, aren't you tired?" Zelo didn't reply and she looked up at him, only to see that he was dead asleep, his head lolling to one side.

She sighed and then covered him with a blanket. Most of KREST had already drifted to sleep along with the exhausted B.A.P members. As the plane zoomed off the runway, Woohyun's eyes drifted shut along with the Vanilla Dream members. The only ones who ended up staying awake were Hyomin, Jimin, the Manager-Hyungs, and myself. Hyomin plopped down beside Jimin with a timid smile and he tilted his head awkwardly to her with a shy smile.

"Hyung, you look tired," Jimin murmured, pointing at me.

I stared at him with a look of disbelief and then grumbled, "You can't even see my eyes. I'm wearing glasses. -.-"

"But you're tired, aren't you?" he asked me knowingly. I stared at him and then nodded slowly, my yawn betraying the truth before I even had a proper chance to reply properly. "Hyung, don't stress yourself. Take a nap if you have to."

Hyomin nodded in agreement before stating, "We have two and a half hours before the plane lands anyway. Why not use this as time to rest up. Speaking of which, I can't rest, I have to train." Hyomin leaped onto the ground and began doing push-ups, straining from exhaustion as she exercised.

"Hyomin-ah, don't hurt yourself," Jimin protested weakly, "you're already drained from your performance." Hyomin groaned and continued her push-ups, visibly straining as she worked.

"You remind me of that one idiot from that anime," I stated bluntly. She stared at me, obviously asking for some form of elaboration, and I rolled my eyes with a shrug before yawning noisily. "What?"

"There's that one idiot in pretty much every single anime in existence," she said with a roll of her eyes. "You have to elaborate as to which one."

"Do I really?" She nodded furiously in agreement and I sighed and wracked my brain for a name before stating, "Black Star from Soul Eater."

"Even I'm not that stupid!" Daehyun-Hyung protested, apparently not asleep.

"Yeah, even he isn't that stupid!" Jongup agreed quickly. Daehyun-Hyung whacked him mercilessly on the head and Jongup grinned sheepishly before shutting his eyes again to sleep.

Hyomin exchanged a glance with me before gesturing at the members of B.A.P. "Obviously you can tell how close they all are."

"Obviously," Jimin drawled sarcastically. "But Hyomin seriously, you should really take some rest."

"Jimin is right Hyomin," KREST-Manager said matter-of-factly. "You shouldn't work yourself to death. You're already exhausted."

"I need to work to improve, especially if Zelo wants me to attend Hanlim diligently with him this upcoming year," she sighed, collapsing on her back with a groan. "That being said, I don't think I'm ready to go back to school."

"You're saying this as a pop music performer," Jimin sighed with a roll of his eyes. "School will be good for you. Maybe you'll be able to relax a bit."

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