Chapter 5

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: cinderelsa

~~~~~~~ Zelo ~~~~~~~

The camera was switched off and we said our farewells to Beast-Hyungs before grabbing our personal luggage and walking into the airport. I followed close to my Hyungs and KREST in our security guard circle to keep the screaming fans away. We waved to them with smiles as the screamed and waved at us. When we finally made it through security, I sighed with relief.

"Talk about stressful!" Jongup exclaimed. I nodded in agreement with a sigh while the security guard circle maintained its security boundary around us.

"Come along, we'll go to the plane!" We all nodded and followed close behind the Managers who seemed to know what they were doing despite the disorienting hour of night. "You all have some very special people to meet."

"Our flight Captain most likely," Hyomin whispered to me with a chuckle. "Ah, this is so exciting!" I nodded in agreement as I spotted the wave of reporters and their dashing cameras. Hyomin's lack of sunglasses terrified me and I put my extra pair over her eyes as the blinding flashes began. We shielded our eyes as we walked down to the Tarmac.

"All on board!" KREST Manager-Hyung announced, waving us onto the plane while the security circle held its ground. I walked on and gasped in surprise.

"You've got to be kidding me... O_O :O There's no way this is our plane!" The inside of the plane had plush yellow carpeting with a main area filled with couches with plus green cushions on each. They formed a giant oval in the center of the plane. There was a TV hanging above the couches on opposite side of the plane and several wooden tables were built into the floor. To finish off the main cabin, there were a few pots containing flowers. Windows lined both sides of the plane behind the couches and I glimpsed a little room to the back of the plane.

It was a restroom area and a kitchen split on opposite sides of the back of the plane. I immediately dashed over to a couch and plopped down, claiming it as mine. The others quickly followed my example and took seats around the plane. "There's a Wii!" Woohyun exclaimed as he sat down.

"There's a PS3!" Kibum cheered.

"There's a suspicious pile of blankets in the corner," Himchan-Hyung pointed out with a frown.

"Good observation Himchan!" KREST Manager-Hyung praised. "You'll be sleeping on the ground if there's no room left on the couches."

"The ground? We have a private plane and we have to sleep on the ground?" Jongup asked in obvious disbelief.

"There are seven couches. There are fourteen of you. You do the math Jongup."

"Aigoo~ Who's going to sleep on the ground then?" Yuri demanded with a pout.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Hyomin volunteered with a small smile.

"I will too," I agreed with a nod of consensus.

"I'm not," Yongguk-Hyung stated plainly, tossing himself onto a couch with a groan of happiness.

"I will~" Daehyun-Hyung said with a grin.

"Our flight is literally two hours and fifteen minutes, do you really need to sleep?" Dongjin inquired with a roll of his eyes.

"Considering the fact that we land and arrive at the hotel at 12:30AM tomorrow and we have to wake up at 5:30AM... Yeah, we do need to sleep," Kibum retorted sarcastically with a sigh.

"Ha, in playing video games," he stated with a roll of his eyes.

"Don't blame us when you can't get up tomorrow morning," Woohyun told him warningly. DJ nodded in agreement and then sighed as he settled on the floor to play his games.

The Knights of K-Pop [Kiss Me Under the Stars Continuation]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें