KPWT Tour Schedule

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~~~~~~~ Author's Note ~~~~~~~

For those of you that were curious, this is what KREST's Tour Schedule looks like! Full courtsey of Dongjin who spent his time translation Manager Dongmin's handwriting with his broken wrist!

~~~~~~~ KREST 2012-2013 Knight Power World Tour Schedule: (November 19- February 21) [Seoul Calendar, Local Times] ~~~~~~~

**KREST members, I apologize if the schedule is confusing or illegible. I tried my best to simplify it in terms of Seoul time and dates. Try your best and come to me with any questions! Good luck and as always, a big FIGHTING from your Manager!**

***A revised schedule completely in local time on SEOUL calendar days will be handed out to each of you on the 19th of November following your KPWT Interview***

*Note: Different members will be in charge in different areas depending on the languages spoken (Everyone gets to be leader at least once). HYOMIN IS ALWAYS THE ALL POWERFUL OVERLORD! Leader name is given in parentheses on the day (Except free days).*

November 19: (Hyomin)

1:15PM: Knight Power World Tour Interview

4:30PM: Depart for Concert Venue

7:45PM: Concert

[Dinner on the Go]

9:55PM: Flight (Seoul to Busan: 2hrs and 15mins)

November 20: (Hyomin)

12:30AM: Arrive at Hotel and Sleep

5:30AM: Wake Up and Get Ready

7:40AM: Breakfast

10:25AM: Busan Stage Concert Rehearsal [No Vocals]

2:00PM: Fan Meeting

4:25PM: Depart for Concert Venue

7:50PM: Concert

[Dinner on the Go]

9:50PM: Flight (Busan to Tokyo: 1hr 33mins)

11:30PM: Arrive at Hotel and Sleep

November 21: (Hyomin)

4:20AM: Wake Up and Get Ready

7:30AM: Breakfast

11:45PM: Tokyo Stage Concert Rehearsal [No Vocals]

12:20PM: Fan Meeting

4:55PM: Depart for Concert Venue

8:00PM: Concert

[Dinner on the Go]

10:30 PM: Flight (Tokyo to Osaka: 1hr)

November 22: (Hyomin)

12:45AM: Arrive at Hotel and Sleep

6:00AM: Wake Up and Get Ready

8:10AM: Breakfast

12:15PM: Osaka Stage Concert Rehearsal [No Vocals]

2:20PM: Fan Meeting

4:15PM: Depart for Concert Venue

7:25PM: Concert

[Dinner on the Go]

9:40PM: Flight (Osaka to Hokkaido: 1hr 32mins)

November 23: (Hyomin)

12:20AM: Arrive at Hotel and Sleep

5:15AM: Wake Up and Get Ready

7:25AM: Breakfast

10:00AM: Hokkaido Stage Concert Rehearsal [No Vocals]

12:15PM: Fan Meeting

The Knights of K-Pop [Kiss Me Under the Stars Continuation]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt