Chapter 14

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~~~~~~~ KRESTOUR Diary ~~~~~~~

B.A.P Maknae is puffing out his cheeks at the camera. "Hello~~~ This is KRESTOUR Zelo Version!" (So cute~~!) "I am here with my sweetheart best friend Hyominnie~" (Can best friends not get cuter?! >.<)

"We are discussing adding more B.A.P songs into the program!" (Hyomin speaks excitedly!)

"We were also discussing Hyomin's addition into the B.A.P program~~" (B.A.P leader Bang Yong Guk has appeared!) "Hyomin is now a member of B.A.P~"

(Jung Dae Hyun stumbles over sleepily.) "Hyomin and Zelo will rap together for the performance in Manila. It will be part of our extended time there and a good end to the East Asia portion of the tour."

"We are on our way to Beijing now! The sky is very dark and we're over the ocean." (Maknae Zelo takes the camera over to a window. A look outside...?) "See? It's so dark that you can't even see anything outside."

"Zelo, you're just showing them black right now, show the inside of the plane." (Zelo turns at Youngjae's command and tapes the inside of the plane.)

"Everyone say hello~!"

"Hello fans!" (An enthusiastic greeting from KREST, B.A.P, the Managers, and the shadow girls!)

"We are excited to go to China!" (KREST's Eomma, Kim Ki Bum, has switched to Chinese!)

"Kibum most of the fans know Chinese but our friends don't, so don't talk in Chinese." (Kibum is scolded by KREST's leader.)

"Sorry Hyomin... Anyway, we are eager to be performing in Beijing! It's a beautiful city and we all love it!" (Woohyun takes control of the situation.)

"Can we just get to the part where we go off on our own little things and Hyomin, Zelo, and Jongup play dead?" Aecha asks. (Play dead...?)

"Ah, that's right! The fans don't know about that!" (Yongguk gets ready to explain...)

"When we were going to Osaka, the pranking duo reunited with a new member," Jiyeon explains quickly. (Yongguk meanwhile... Steaming in the background...)

"They pretended to die and we fought back by pretending to be zombies." (Daehyun quickly finishes for Jiyeon.) "It was all my idea." (Daehyun... You sound so smug...)

"It was scarring..." (Jongup mumbles in the background.)

"Anyway, we've been keeping pretty good track of the KRESTOUR Diary so far, right?" (Eunsung is quick to change the subject!)

"We'll be cutting it sho-" (Himchan is cut off by Hyomin's phone!)

"Hello~?" (Who could it be? Who is calling on the plane?) "We are flying low so we still have signals at this height." (Hyomin explains to the camera.) "Ah, Namjoon-ah!"

"Bang Tan!" (Zelo finally explodes!) "Why do you keep stealing my Hyomin~~?! >.< She's my best friend!" (Zelo's friendship jealousy...)

"Yeah, sorry about that. Zelo is being an egghead." (Hyomin bluntly waves off Zelo's whines!) "What?! Where?! No, no, no! Not with all the cameras!"

"Hyomin?" (Kibum stares at KREST leader with wide eyes.)

"Anyway, that's all for this diary entry! Bye fans!" (A frantic farewell from Jongup, Daehyun, and Jiyeon!)

~~~~~~~ End: KRESTOUR Diary ~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~ Hyomin ~~~~~~~

"What do you mean you're taking a trip to China?" I growled with a groan.

"We wanted to visit and see KREST perform live! The company said it'd be a good way for us to learn," Namjoon explained with a confused tone. "Are you worried about your thing with Jimin?"

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