Chapter 20

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~~~~~~~ JR ~~~~~~~

"Jonghyun~~!!!!" Hyomin and Junhong shouted, sending me flying backwards out of my chair in shock. I rubbed my injured back and then sat back in the chair with a grin.

"Hey guys!" I greeted with a smile, waving at them. "How are you both?"

"Sleepy," Junhong said bluntly with a yawn. "The Manager-Hyungs said that we have to do our homework for school, so we're working on it now."

"You're doing homework on tour?" I asked in shock. "What a joy killer." They nodded in agreement and I rubbed my forehead with a sigh. "Anyway, I was just calling to see you guys, but Hyomin, how's it going to be once Junhong leaves?" I teased with a chuckle.

She sighed heavily and then mumbled, "Lonely. As much as I love my group, nothing beats spending quality time with my two best friends. Of course, in this case it's only Junhong because someone is still in Seoul."

"How is that my fault?!" I protested as Minhyun walked into my room curiously. "And a wild Minhyun has appeared," I sighed as Minhyun peered over my shoulder.

"Hi Minhyun!" Hyomin said with a wave. He smiled and waved back before sneaking out of the room again. "Well... That can't be good..." On cue, Baeko, Ren, Minhyun, and Aron-Hyung burst into my room and squished against me, all trying to get in the view of the camera. "Oh goody, all of NU'EST!"

"Hi Hyomin and Zelo!" the boys shouted happily, waving.

"Hey guys!" Junhong exclaimed with a chuckle. "Are you all bothering my poor Jonghyun?"

"Ye-!" I began shouting before Baeko slammed a hand over my mouth.

"No, we're all such good members! We only help and heal JR, but he always takes it wrong!" he said accusingly, causing Junhong and Hyomin to raise their eyebrows and stare at me expectantly.

"Is this true Jonghyun?" Hyomin asked in shock. Even though I knew they were just playing, it still hurt that my best friends were taking my members' side instead of mine. I mumbled incoherently through Baeko's hand and Hyomin sighed with mock disappointment and murmured, "Jonghyun-ah, these boys work hard to maintain their group. The least that you can do is respect them."

I exclaimed incoherently in shock through Baeko's hand and then pointed accusingly at Aron-Hyung. They nodded slowly as I continued to go off tangent with a rant about everything. Eventually, my speech became so garbled that I forgot what I had been trying to say in the first place. I nearly continued blindly through a pointless rant while Hyomin and Junhong both nodded slowly in understanding, obviously not picking up anything.

"See? This is what happens whenever JR-Hyung gets mad," Ren pointed out bluntly, gesturing at me. I groaned with a roll of my eyes and then stared at Baeko with a heavy sigh.

I managed to mumble a goodbye and then reached forward to the end the call before glaring accusingly at Baeko. "What did I do?"

"I wanted to have a nice chat with my friends!" I protested at his blunt question. "Then you all came in and turned it into a disaster!"

"Minhyun called us in though!" Ren protested, pointing accusingly at Minhyun. He glared accusingly at the Maknae and Ren grinned sheepishly before dashing out of the room and into the bathroom.

"All in favor of blaming the Maknae?" Aron-Hyung asked with a bored tone.

"Aye," we all agreed swiftly before returning to our own individual activities. I sighed and sat back in my chair before shutting my eyes and swiveling in slow circles. I opened my eyes and stared blankly at my ceiling with a sigh before frowning.

The Knights of K-Pop [Kiss Me Under the Stars Continuation]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant