Chapter 22

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~~~~~~~ December 3: 11:45AM: Beginning of North America Tour Branch Interview: Kibum ~~~~~~~

I yawned and leaned back in the comfortable seat, snapping a selca of myself making a cute face before sighing and waiting for everyone to file into the room. We had gone through intense training for all of the interviews for the tour and, so far, nothing had gone wrong at the ones we had been through. The press members all seated themselves and Manager-Hyung stood patiently, waiting for everyone to settle down.

"Welcome to the KWPT America Interview. KREST will be accepting questions regarding their tour so far, the upcoming venues, and anything else relating to the world tour. Please be mindful of the fact that the youngest members are not able to speak English as well as the older members. Please keep your questions ready and do not trample the stars on stage. We will allow the members to select the questions in the order of their ages. Thank you," he said into a microphone, sounding official and confident.

Instantly, hands shot up from nearly everyone and Hyomin looked to me to select someone. "Uh, yes, may I hear from the woman in the red jacket?" She stood uncertainly. "Yes, you."

"Right, I have a question regarding the tour. Most of you are originally from America. How does it feel coming back to your birth country, not to live, but to travel through quickly for your tour?" she asked, holding up a recorder to get the answers from us.

"I personally, despite the fact that I am not here permanently or for an extended time, am very excited to be able to perform in America. It is obviously a great honor to be able to perform our music here and to be able to have our fans here supporting us. Although I won't be able to see my family for very long or spend a lot of time in any one city, I am still excited for our time here," I replied quietly into the microphone, awkwardly restraining the accent that I had developed from spending so much time in Korea.

"I am also excited because this is an opportunity for us to not only travel the country and the world, but to also learn and connect with our fans. Many of the people coming to our concerts might even be old friends that we knew or might just be people from the country, but it's interesting to be able to meet all of the people that support us," Woohyun stated with a smile. Each of the others slowly went through their own answer and the reporter thanked us and sat down.

Kim-Manager signaled for Woohyun to call on someone and said, "Next question?"

He scanned the audience and picked out someone very stylishly dressed. "May I hear from the man in the stylish red sweater with the blue collar poking out?" He stood and Woohyun grinned, sitting back in his seat expectantly.

"I am dying to know: how is it that you all manage to keep your friendship so strong despite the fact that you're all different ages, you've come from different places, specialized in different genres, etcetera? I find it interesting that you get into arguments, yet you still manage to keep your bond strong," he said with a small smile.

Woohyun flinched awkwardly, obviously thinking about his broken chord with Hyomin. "Well, even though I haven't known the members for that long, I still feel very close to each and every one of them. It's almost as if they're the only people in the world I can fully trust, if that makes any sense. They're the people that I feel like I can tell anything to. The fact that we're all emotionally very close, I feel like that's the most important thing that keeps our group bond strong."

Hyomin cleared her throat and murmured, "Recently, there has been a lot of controversy concerning the emotional stability of KREST, more specifically, the arguments between Woohyun and I. Openly, right here, I would like to apologize to Woohyun for taking advantage of the friendship we have." Immediately, everyone began mumbling nosily and snapping pictures of Hyomin and the rest of us.

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