Chapter 17

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~~~~~~~ Bellaire International Clinic: Guangzhou ~~~~~~~

"Well, it's his arm which is broken. With a fall like that, you should consider yourself lucky. That being said, you shouldn't use it for the next five weeks or so. We'll cast it up and then you can be one your way," the doctor told Kim-Manager and I with a sigh. He handed Manager-Hyung a slip of paper. "These are the care instructions. I trust you'll take care of it?"

"Of course," Hyung stammered with a sigh. "Thank you very much for attending to him so quickly."

"Anything for a member of KREST," he said with a chuckle. "You're especially lucky Mr. Lee Woo Hyun. If it hadn't been for your intense training and exercise with KREST, it would have been much worse for you. Please rest up for the next five weeks and then you may use your arm fully again."

"Yes doctor," I said with a sigh, tilting my head respectfully to him. "Thank you very much for seeing me." He nodded while he casted my arm and I shut my eyes, attempting to force my hammering headache from my mind.

"Did you hit your head by any chance Woohyun? If you have, you may need a CAT Scan just to make sure you haven't received any permanent damage."

I hung my head pitifully and then mumbled, "Yes, I hit my head quite hard." He nodded with a worried expression and immediately called for a nurse before I was set in a wheelchair and wheeled to the CAT Scan room. I was instructed to lay down on a bed-like tray and was told to not blink too much while in the machine.

As the tray was slid into a lighted tube, I sighed and didn't move a muscle as my brain was examined carefully. After what felt like an eternity, I was finally taken out of the tube and blinked before yawning sleepily. "Your brain seems to be fine with what I can see," the doctor murmured thoughtfully to me before nodding approvingly. "Now I can send you off in peace."

"Thank you so much. I am truly grateful for your seeing me today," I told him gratefully, now bent over in a question mark shape with a sigh.

"There does seem to be a slight fracture on your skull though, so I'll wrap your head just to be safe," he said quickly. I tilted my head again with a sigh and allowed the doctor to wrap a piece of cloth around it.

Kim-Manager sighed and payed the hospital bill before wheeling me out of the hospital. I sighed heavily and hung my head slightly when I met Kibum's gaze. "You idiot. You're almost as dumb as DJ!" he exclaimed.

"Hyung!" Dongjin protested with a pout. "You can't just lump me in with Woohyun-Hyung. We're obviously on different stupidity levels and considering the fact that he fell off a balcony, I think I win in terms of basic intelligence for the moment."

"The fact that you just defended yourself so well is proof enough," Jimin chuckled, ruffling Dongjin's hair with a grin. "I guess we can go back to the hotel and let everyone know how you are."

"I all honesty though Woohyun, you could have at least been awake for two hours or more before falling off a balcony! You were only wake for about half an hour!"

"Well, I'm sorry for not timing my fall to my possible death properly," I retorted sharply to Kim-Manager with a frown.

"You should be," Kibum replied with a nod and a small smirk. "Anyway, into the car with you Woohyun-ah!" He wheeled me to the car and then helped me inside with a heavy sigh. I clambered into the vehicle awkwardly and DJ and Jimin squished in on both sides with sheepish grins. Kibum took the front seat with a victorious grin while Manager-Hyung seated himself in the drivers seat.

"Woohyun-" Manager-Hyung began before I cut him off quickly.

"I know, I was stupid. I don't know how I managed to fall off of a balcony. I know that I was extra stupid for allowing myself to fall off of a balcony during our tour. I will try to heal quickly and I will take better care of myself in the future," I droned mindlessly, used to hearing it from DJ's mouth versus my own.

He nodded approvingly and then ran a shaky hand through his bangs with a slightly relieved expression. "Don't just tell me all of that; go and tell Hyomin that back at the hotel."

"Yeah, she's been going nuts!" Kibum exclaimed in agreement, nodding furiously. His phone began ringing and he ignored it with a sigh. "That's her again. Why don't you talk to her?" He handed me his phone and I stared at it uncertainly before sliding my finger across the screen to ignore it and send her straight to voicemail.

"Hyung, why don't you want to talk to Noona?" Dongjin inquired uncertainly with a frown. "Are you mad at her about something?"

"More like the complete opposite," Jimin mumbled beside me, hiding an amused smile with a chuckle. DJ didn't reply and shrugged before looking out the window with a sigh.

"Jiyeon has finally switched crushes by the way!" he exclaimed suddenly.

"To WHO?!" I demanded a bit too harshly.

"She's finally moved on from Teen Top! Her new crush is... Ryu," Dongjin announced uneventfully.

"Like... MR.MR Ryu?" I asked in disbelief. Dongjin nodded in agreement and I smacked my forehead with my uninjured hand. "Will she ever pick a guy who is somewhat attainable?"

"Why is Kitaek unattainable?" Kibum asked curiously, cocking his head to one side while he stared at me expectantly.

"He's '94 born and blonde and obviously too pretty for Jiyeon," I said bluntly. "Plus his birthday is December 11th and that just makes him too cool for her."

"That is the worst defense I've ever heard for a decision like that in my entire life. -.-" I stared at Kibum for several seconds before huffing and rolling my eyes with annoyance. "What's the real reason Woohyun?"

"Hyung is in love with him secretly," DonJi teased with a smirk before bursting into hysterical laughter. "No, but in all honesty, Woohyun-Hyung and Ryu-Hyung are close friends so it's just awkwardly since Jiyeon is practically Woohyun's sister."

"I see," Kibum murmured with a slight nod. "We'll be celebrating your birthday today Woohyun, so what do you want to do?"

"Me?" Kibum nodded and I sat back in the car couch seat and began musing silently to myself. "Well, I actually had plans..."

"Care to let us in on these plans?" I shook my head at Jimin's question with a smirk. "Does it involve borrowing Hyomin?"

"I'm really glad we're such good friends Jimin!" I said with a grin, patting him on the back.

He sighed heavily before shaking his head with a small smile. "As long as your back with her by six o'clock, I don't care. Just... Please bring her back..."

"Psh, you can keep her for all I care," I grumbled with a pout. "I don't think she cares about me at all anymore, so it's not like I even care."

"Then why did you want to borrow her?" Kibum asked with a roll of his eyes.

I quickly said, "She's the only one that let's me do what I want without any complaints."

"Yeah, that's it," Dongjin agreed sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. "Anyway, here's the hotel~! Jimin-Hyung, can I hear Bang Tan rap?"

He shrugged nonchalantly and nodded in agreement, ruffling Dongjin's hair over my head with a chuckle. "Your wrist seems to be recovering well," he commented as we unloaded the car with heavy sighs and groaning. DJ nodded in agreement with a grin before rushing at something excitedly.

I whirled around in time to see him tackling Hyomin to the ground. Jin-Hyung helped her up with a chuckle and she ruffled Dongjin's hair with a grin. "Jimin~ Come here my sweetie!" Jimin raised an eyebrow, obviously not used to her blatant expression of emotion.

"Yah, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity Jimin! Don't botch it up!" V shouted warningly with a chuckle.

"Yeah, she only hugs me otherwise!" Jungkook added quickly with a smirk. "Noona loves me more~~"

"Keep dreaming Maknae!" Jimin shouted challenging with an amused smile. He walked up to Hyomin and pulled her into a hug with a smile. "Here's your member. Feel free to pummel him into the dust." He gestured at me and I narrowed my eyes with disbelief.

"Thanks Jimin," I drawled sarcastically. "I'll make sure to always count on you when I need help." He gave me a thumbs up with a grin and I swallowed hard as Hyomin walked up to me, a scrutinizing glare in her eyes.

She said nothing as she looked me up and down slowly. I almost wished that she would say something, anything. She simply clicked her tongue disapprovingly and I stared at her with wide eyes as she walked away without saying a word. "I'm going shopping with Himchan-Oppa and Youngjae for a little while~" she sighed with a smirk as Himchan-Hyung walked out of the hotel, stretching his arms over his head.

"You're not going shopping without me!" Jiyeon cried, sprinting out of the hotel as well, dragging Youngjae behind her. "Also, Zelo and Eunsung wanted to come too."

"By all means," Hyomin chuckled with a shrug as Eunsung timidly walked out of the hotel with wide eyes. Vanilla Dream walked casually outside with yawns and stretches, obviously freezing and exhausted. "Ah, do any of you want to come shopping with us?"

"I do!" Jenny exclaimed excitedly, rushing forward. "Unnie, do you think you can teach me how to rap?"

"I can, but I'm not really your Unnie... So you can just call me Hyomin," she chuckled awkwardly. "Alright, anyone else want to come, or is it just Jiyeon, Himchan, Youngjae, Zelo, Eunsung, Jenny, and I?"

"I guess I'll come too if it's alright with you," Jongup sighed with a shrug. "Yuri wants to come, but she's too shy to go with just you guys."

"Since when is Yuri close to you?" Zelo asked him with a raised eyebrow. "I guess that's everyone then. Let's go~! I want a new face mask and some Ramyeon!"

"We're not going shopping just so you can buy Ramyeon!" Himchan-Hyung scolded, whacking him on the head with a roll of his eyes.

"Was I just... Ignored?" I murmured to myself in shock. Suga-Hyung patted me on the head with a sigh and led me into the hotel after him.

~~~~~~~ Himchan ~~~~~~~

"Hyomin-ah, this would suit you well!" Zelo told Hyomin with a grin. "It's so much better than that exposing top, don't you think?!"

She smacked her forehead with a frustrated expression as the other customers in the store stared at us with confused expressions. She flicked his forehead and then held up the top she wanted to get with a deathly terrifying glare. "This is not exposing at all! You're just paranoid!"

"But it has cutouts that expose your waist~~~!" he cried with a pleading expression. "Don't buy it~! Buy this!"

"Zelo... That's a male shirt and I'm not buying it," she told him firmly, shooting me a pleading glance and eyes that contained some amount of insanity. "Himchan-Oppa, which one do you like better?"

Zelo stared at me with teary, begging eyes and I sighed with a roll of my eyes. "Zelo let her buy what she wants. Hyomin is a big girl and she can make her own decisions about her life."

"Not when they're bad decisions," he countered quickly. I rolled my eyes and gave Hyomin a thumbs up as she held up a blouse that she liked. She smiled and then pointed at a t-shirt that she liked before pointing at me. I stared at it and then pointed at myself with a questioning expression. She nodded eagerly and I grinned and picked it up. "Hyomin, do you like this?"

"Ah, it's so cute!" she exclaimed, giving Zelo and thumbs up. "You should get it. It would look good on you!" He grinned and then stared at Eunsung who was sifting through the clearance racks.

I sighed lightly and then went over to help him. "Eunsung-ah, are you not sure about what you want to get?" He shook his head and I frowned uncertainly. "Are you trying to find the cheaper clothing?" He shook his head again and I scratched the back of my head with a raised eyebrow. "Then what's wrong?"

"I don't know my sizes," he told me bluntly. "Noona always buys my clothes when I want new stuff."

"You... You don't know what sizes you are?" I asked in shock. He nodded and Hyomin chuckled and walked over with a sigh. She whispered something in his ear and he nodded slowly before breaking into a grin. Immediately, he began working in hyperdrive, pulling out things he liked and putting them back once he checked the size.

I smiled and walked back over to Zelo. "Hyung, where are Jongup-Hyung, Youngjae-Hyung, Jiyeon, Yuri, and Jenny?"

"That's a good question..." I murmured while I looked around for any sign of the others. "Uh... Hyomin-ah, where are the others?" I questioned loudly. She looked around uncertainly and then shrugged.

"As long as they're with Yuri or Jiyeon, I don't think it's a big deal," she said with a sigh.

~~~~~~~Youngjae ~~~~~~~

"Well..." I murmured to Jongup.

"This isn't good..." he whimpered as we stared at the crowd of people in the mall, not seeing a sign of any of our friends. "Hyung, we're lost in China!"

"We're lost in the mall in Guangzhou," I corrected with a roll of my eyes. "Don't make the gravity of the situation worse than it is! This isn't that bad."

"Then why are you hugging the pole so you don't get dragged away in the pull of people? -.-" he asked with a roll of his eyes. "Anyway, what do we do?" I shook my head uncertainly and he rolled his eyes with a sigh. Suddenly, I spotted a uniformed official and pointed at him excitedly.

Jongup nodded and we rushed up to him. "Excuse me?" I asked him, tapping on his shoulder. "Are you security?"

"Shénme?" he inquired uncertainly. Jongup and I exchanged uncertain expressions and he pointed at us. "Hánguo?"

"Hanguk!" we agreed excitedly. He nodded and waved us after him. We followed him to Customer Service and he whispered something to the woman at the desk before pointing at us. She nodded and made a phone call, gesturing for us to sit down. Several minutes later, another woman arrived and spoke quickly with the woman at the desk before turning to us.

"Are you Korean?" she inquired curiously.

"Yes, yes we're Korean and we came with our friends to this mall!" Jongup exclaimed quickly.

"They speak Chinese, but we became separated," I explained with an embarrassed chuckle.

"I see," she chuckled with a sigh. "We'll make an announcement for your friends."

"Ah, thank you so much!" Jongup and I said gratefully, bowing to her with teary eyes, the terror of not speaking a foreign language now setting in slowly.

She nodded and went to the wall before picking up a phone. There was a happy series of tones over the mall intercom and she held the phone up. "Hello customers, at Customer Service we have two Korean boys who have been separated from their friends. Please, if you know these two boys, come collect them immediately," she repeated the announcement in Chinese and in English before quietly asking our names.

"Yoo Young Jae and Moon Jong Up!" I hissed. She nodded and then repeated our names into the system before hanging up.

~~~~~~~ Jiyeon ~~~~~~~

"Hello customers, at Customer Service we have two Korean boys who have been separated from their friends. Please, if you know these two boys, come collect them immediately. Names of Yoo Young Jae and Moon Jong Up." I stared at the ceiling in horror and then exchanged glances with Jenny and Yuri before dashing out of the store we were in and staring around with wide eyes.

"Where's Customer Service?" I cried, rushing around uncertainly. "I don't know where it is!"

"Jiyeon, calm down!" Jenny exclaimed, slapping my cheek lightly. "Just find someone and ask them where it is."

"Okay, I will! Man, Lideo-Yang probably heard that announcement. She's going to kill me," I sighed hopelessly. Yuri asked someone where Customer Service was and then returned.

"That way, take a left, a right, another right, and a left. It'll be straight in front of us at that point," she told Jenny and I with a sigh, dragging us after her.

"Hyomin is going to kill me! That's not fun because we're eating that 108 course meal at the hotel tonight before Bang Tan leaves for Seoul," I grumbled to myself with a sigh.

"The Man Han Quan Xi Banquet?" Yuri asked curiously. I nodded in agreement and she sighed. "I don't want to eat the shark fin or the snake, so other than that, I'm excited for it."

"Snake?" Jenny inquired with gigantic eyes. "They're going to serve snake for us to eat?" Yuri and I nodded and Jenny's eyes grew bigger. "We don't have to eat everything, right? I'm not a big fan of pork."

I nodded in agreement and then chuckled, "I don't think it matters because they eat mostly chicken here in the South."

~~~~~~~ Zelo ~~~~~~~

"We have to eat snake and shark and stuff today at that banquet, right Hyomin?" I asked her curiously as we sifted through the clothing. She nodded in agreement, obviously not excited for the Man Han Quan Xi Banquet.

There were several chimes over the intercom and I stared at the ceiling curiously. "Hello customers, at Customer Service we have two Korean boys who have been separated from their friends. Please, if you know these two boys, come collect them immediately. Names of Yoo Young Jae and Moon Jong Up."

"Was that...?" Himchan-Hyung murmured uncertainly. I nodded in agreement and Hyomin groaned before glaring at the ceiling.

"Park Ji Yeon, I expected you to watch over them!" she roared furiously before stomping out of the store, her arms full of shopping bags.

Eunsung rushed after with his two shopping bags and Himchan-Hyung and I exchanged glances before sprinting after them. "Noona, don't be mad at Jiyeon-Noona," Eunsung attempted shakily. "Noona always tries her best to keep track of everyone when she can."

"I know but she has to try harder sometimes Eunsung-ah," she sighed. "She doesn't think about the consequences of her actions."

"Neither do you. -.-" I murmured with a roll of my eyes. She grinned and gave me a thumbs up. "Alright, where's this Customer Service Desk?"

"This way," Hyomin chuckled with a smile, pointing ahead of her. "Let's just go and get-"

"What's wrong Hyomin?" Himchan-Hyung asked her curiously. I fell silent and then stared at Woohyun and Soyeon as they walked around with smiles.

"N- Nothing. I just thought that I saw someone," she chuckled nonchalantly, obviously relieved at not being spotted by them. Hyung and I exchanged uncertain glances before following her as she continued to the Customer Service desk.

"Hyomin~~~!!!" Jongup and Youngjae-Hyung cried, hugging her and wailing pitifully. "We were so scared!" She sighed and patted their heads as they released their stress.

"You two are making me old," she joked as they stood up, sniffling and wiping their eyes. "Don't worry, you can come with me. I'll get back at Jiyeon later."

~~~~~~~ Author's Note ~~~~~~~

Awww poor Jongup and Youngjae~~ It's scary being lost in a country where you don't speak the language guys! Not even kidding! It's really really scary!

Youngjae: Can we please get a new author?! One that doesn't put us in such terrifying situations?!

Jongup: It was kind of funny! I liked the situation.

Thank you Jongup~ I knew I could count on you~ ^^

Jiyeon: Am I going to be in trouble? I don't like being in trouble!

Hyomin: Don't worry Jiyeon, you're in trouble. -.-

They're getting antsy sitting in their places for this long haha. They can't leave until they answer questions.

Yongguk: We want to answer questions!

J-Hope: Someone save us! This author is crazy! Also, she's really young!

Jimin: Do you think the fans will start drawing parallels that they shouldn't draw? That would really suck.

RapMon: Cut dat bulls*** Ain't no rhyme or reason to nothin' nowadays.

You're scaring me Namjoon-ah... Anyway, if you haven't heard it, please listen to Bang Tan's second album "O! R U L8 2?" it's really good! N.O is a really catchy song and ERMAGAWD I want to crawl in a hole and die when I see Jungkook's face~~!!! ;_; So cute~~ ^^ So, recommended album is above! Also if you haven't heard Very Good by Block B, that's really catchy too~ Thanks Knights, bye for now!

Daehyun: Please ask questions!

V: Save us!

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