He closed the door, I quickly went to the door and locked the door.

"Haha~...really considerate of you~",he whined at the other side of the door.

"Shut up!",I shouted at him, I heard him chuckled and ignored it as I started undressing myself.

I quickly got dressed and looked at the clock, sooooo early.... I can rest for a bit, i guess. I nicely cleaned my room a little and checked that I got the right books for today and zipped my bag. I picked it up and opened the door. I saw R leaning on the stair railing and smirked.

"That uniform looks good on you..",I blushed a little and walked down the stairs. I placed my bag on the seat and took out a bowl and cereal from the cabinets at the kitchen. R watched me as I prepared my food and his.

I sat on my seat and R sat beside me. I pushed his bowl in front of him. I put the food in my mouth and saw him looking at the cereal.

"Try it",I spoke with food in my mouth,"It's good".

"I...never ate this before...",I almost choked and quickly swallowed.

"You've never?".

"Well, I know this is milk but what is this small things on it"he used the spoon and scooped up the cereal bits.

"It's cereal, it's a good combination between milk and cereal",I continued chewing.

"Cereal?",he eat once and his ears became straight up, his tail was wagging excitedly.

"It's good!",he stuffed the food in his mouth and chewed them.

He somehow finished before me, he placed the empty bowl and gulped the food in his mouth. I giggled and placed our bowls in the sink. I washed the bowls and was curious about R, I wanna know him.

"How are old are you?",I asked as I cleaned the bowl nicely with soap.

"I'm 17",he replied as he looked at my bag.

"Really? Same age as me, I can talk to you informally if you don't mind me?".

"I don't mind Akira-sama~", he winked at me, I blushed, [A-Akira-sama!?]

Where do you live- That ain't a good question, I saw him living in a broken house in a dark area near my school, I placed the cleaned wet plates on the tray and wiped my hands.

"Is your name...just R?",I placed the tissue in the trash bin and saw him smiling.

"I'm glad you ask,well...R is just my nickname",he stood up and clutched his fists happily, he posed like a fighting character, ready to fight,"R aka Reiji!",he laughed with victory. I smiled and looked at him which caught his attention.

"Can I call you by Reiji?",he was shocked.

"Reiji?",I asked him again which made him startled.

"Oh! It's just that no one ever calls me by my real name",He blushed and scratched his chin,"Most people usually call me R".

"Well, I guess I am the only who calls you Reiji",I smiled with eyes closed,"I think Reiji sounds cute".

*Huh~*,Reiji thought to himself. Wind flowed towards him as his spiky red hair moved gloriously, he was in heaven, he became happy.

Did she say that my name is cute!? Oh lord~ I think a cupid arrow just hit right at my beating heart. Reiji wrapped his arms and moved sideways, his eyes were closed and was blushing. I ignored and took my bag and headed to the door. Reiji noticed me confused.

"Wait! Where are you going!?",I turned to see him worried.

"Uhh..School..",I opened the door.

"Wait! Can I come with you?",He walked towards me, eager to follow me.

"Sure Reiji",I smiled as I pat his head making him excited.

He hopped and nodded excitedly. He quickly turned to his wolf form and walked beside as I locked the door. My key seems look like a necklace and saw Reiji barking so happily as his dream came true.

I kneeled in front of him and placed the key necklace around his neck, he closed his mouth and talked in my thoughts,*What's this Akira-Sama?*.

"This is the key of the house, I think I can trust you",He barked and licked my cheek, I giggled and stood up.

I looked at him, he was staring at the silver necklace but noticed me, he was about to speak but i cut him off.

"Don't worry, I have another key". We happily walked outside the gate of my front yard and headed to school.

*Thank you for trusting me Akira-sama!*, he barked softly at me and rub his head against my legs.

I smiled at Reiji as we walk.

"Wait! She trusts him! ,Rin exclaimed wth rage at the school roof top, he squinted his eyes and saw it.

*She's with Reiji?! Reiji!",Rin gripped the metal fence hard. He stopped as he noticed he bended it.

"Ugh...",he groaned angrily, he backed away and headed to the door and left angrily.

"Well, that was his whole plan",Ahkikoh took a bite of his muffin, leaning on the wall where he always do. He stopped chewing and looked at the orange sky that is turning to light blue.

"Kei... I wonder what are you doing...",Ahkikoh looked at the sky and continued eating his muffin.

[Promise me you will be with me forever...]

[I'm...I'm sorry...]

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