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Chapter Six: A Day Off

Trinton’s POV

I sat in the car as Tiya walked into her house. I know I was still shooken up because of Zickie card trick. However Charlene and Tiya calmed me down pretty well.

“How did you two meet?” Charlene asked me starting the conversation.

“We had the same class together and we kicked it off from there.” I replied back staring at Tiya’s house.

Charlene hummed in satisfaction, “What attracts you the most to her?”

I sighed, “The looks but her personality was a killer. I just enjoy her company because no one else can soothe me like the way she does.”

“Do you two have sex already?” Charlene kept questioning.

“Yes but our relationship is not based off of sex.”

“Tiya’s cute but is she dumb?”

“You know I don’t like dumb girls.”

“What’s her biggest flaw?”

“I can’t think it off the top of my head.”

“What’s her favorite color?”

“Pastel Pink”

“Favorite food” Charlene kept going.

“Ice cream, cookie dough” I replied easily.

“Favorite topic at school”


“Tiya is cool and all… but do you trust her with Zickie.”

“I trust her not Zickie…”

Charlene was about to speak but I snapped my gaze on her which made her lips seal tight.

“Why are you questioning me about my girlfriend Charlene? I haven’t seen you in like forever. But when I do see you it’s 21 questions.” I said glaring at her.

Charlene shook her head with a soft smile on her face. I know Charlene is my old friend but sometimes she was a bit nosy when I didn’t want her to be.

“I’m just trying to make sure my best friend is treated right. I mean Trinton, Tiya seem too perfect. How come she hasn’t talked about her past or old friends? I mean I’m the only old friend you got but you don’t know any of her old friends. Not trying to pry in your love life.” Charlene said softly as she turned her gaze to the street through the car window.

I frown and shook my head. This girl is just too damn protective! When did she become this way. I placed my hand on her leg trying to comfort her.

Charlene turned her head looking at me. The way her long hair fell over her shoulder was almost like a chocolate fountain.

“Don’t worry about me Charlene, I will be fine. I am only here to get Zickie to step off. You’re the only person that can do that.” I said smiling at her.

Charlene gave me her big smile, “True but Trinton I don’t care about Zickie. I care about you. I mean I was heartbroken when I left because of my dad. I was heartbroken because I lost a friend… and a strong possible lover.”

I felt my jaw clench and I was about to move my hand but Charlene placed her hand on my hand. I was about to say something but she caressed my face and I knew we were about to kiss. I truly did miss her but did I miss her that much.

Our lips locked it I felt her lips move against mines slowly and I moved mines against hers. The feeling sent sparks against my spine and I knew she felt it too.

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