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"I love you Nova."I said letting tears falling down my face."I love you too Jason." I walked over to her and hugged her. I walked away without a second thought, but I just remembered that I couldn't just leave her tied up like that. I walked back over to her and untied the knots on her hands and feet. She just sat there and looked at me with glossy eyes.

I was about to walk away then she said something. "Jason, why didn't you tell me?" "Because, I didn't wanna put you into any trouble." he said looking down at his shoes. "What kind of trouble could I have gotten in? I am your sister that already puts me into a lot of trouble." she said getting up and walking over to me.

"Nova, sit down." I said. If your wondering I have people watching me. They want me to kill her. Yeah, I hate my sister, but not to the point were I am going to kill her. "Nova, listen carefully and listen good. I have people watching us, and they want me to kill you. Now, I'm not going to kill you, but I want you to act like it, okay?" She looked at me like I was crazy. "They want you to kill me!?" "Shhhhh! Do you want them to kill you for real?" "No." "Then shut up and follow my lead."

????? P.O.V.

I made it to Jamie room in the hospital. She looked so peaceful. I reached a hand out a placed it on her forehead. "I just wish you were my child and not that bastard Jason's. I would treat you better, I would give you whatever you wanted, when you wanted it. I wouldn't hit you. I wouldn't abuse you. I would love you endlessly." Just as I finished talking I felt something move next to me. I looked up and saw Jamie sturring. She looked over at me, and screamed. "Jamie, shh it's okay. I'm a friend." "Mommy!!" she yelled. As if on cue, her mom ran in. "Jamie?! You okay sweetie? Who the hell are you?!" She couldn't see me, she could only see my back. "I said who the hell are you?" She yelled again.

I turned around and as soon as she saw me, her eyes went wide and she ran over to Jamie's side. "Get the hell away from us. Don't make me call Jason!" She threatened. "Please, Jason doesn't scare me." I said, and knew that was a complete lie. Truth be told, I am terrified of Jason, but he doesn't need to know that. "Why, you scared I'm gonna hurt you little girl?" I asked walking towards Jamie. "Mommy, don't let him touch me." Jamie said shaking and crying. I saw Rachel reach for her phone and dial Jason's number. "Jason, come quick please, it's-" Before she could say who I was, I snatched the phone away from her. "Jason, is gonna kill you when he finds out that you are still alive."

"No, he's not because, he doesn't know that I am still alive. He will only know if you tell him." I walked over to Rachel and pulled out a gun and pointed it to her head. "If you tell him I'm still alive I will kill you and Jamie too. So I would keep my mouth shut if I were you." I said. I put the gun away and walked out like absolutely nothing happened.


"Jason, come quick please, it's-" Was all I heard Rachel say before the line went dead. I know where she was, and I'm going to help her. "Alright Nova you know the plan?" I asked. "Yeah I got it." "Okay we gotta wait a while, but I will be back okay?" I asked her looking her in the eyes. "Okay, Ill be waiting." She said rolling her eyes at me. I walked out of the warehouse and jumped in my car. I sped to the hospital and walked, well more like ran to Jamie's room.

When I got there, Jamie was crying and Rachel had her back to me. I walked up to Rachel and put a hand on her shoulder but she immediatley jumped. "I won't tell Jason I swear." "You won't tell me what?" I asked. Rachel turned around and jumped on me hugging me tightly. "Babe, air need some." I said struggling to breathe. Yeah my baby is strong.

"Babe, what happened?" "Nothing." "Rachel, it's not nothing if Jamie is crying her eyes out, and you jumping when I touch you. What's wrong." I asked looking her in the eyes. I was waiting for an answer when somebody walked back in. "I forgot my-" He stopped dead in his tracks and we locked eyes. Anger was rushing through me. My blood was boiling.

"You motherfucking bastard." I said getting up in his face. "Awww, Jason Mccann, nice to see you too." he said smirking. "Bitch, take that smile off of you fucking face before I beat it off." I said through gritted teeth. "No I'm good." "Look here I don't have time to deal with your shit." "Well your just gonna have to because, your going to be seeing a lot of me Mccann." "Fuck you Chaos." "Nope sorry, I don't go that way." "Chaos, get the hell out, before I drag you out." "Fine, I'll leave, but don't get used to me going this easy." he said before leaving. "Bye family." I tensed at that word. "What did he mean by that?" Rachel asked. "Nothing, h-he meant nothing." I said trying to brush off the fact that Chaos is Jamie's uncle.

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