No Name

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"Hey lil sis, miss me?" He said holding he knife to my throat. "What, cat got your tongue?" he asked. "L-look Jason, I'm not afraid of y-you." I said trembling with fear. He just chuckled at what I said "Sure your not, let's go with that." "I'm not scared of you. Never have been never will be." I said shaking in my skin, and I knew Jason saw it cause he started laughing. "What's so funny Mccann?" I asked. He turned me around and looked me in the eye and I swear his eyes changed from a light mocha brown to a dark evil brown. "Oh you know, the fact that you say your not scared when, you know you are. You know what?" He said staring at me. "What Mccann?" I snapped. I felt my cheeks start to sting and I looked back at him and he looked pissed.

"What the fuck Mccann?" I said holding my cheek looking at him like he just lost his mind. "Where is she?" he asked. "Why should I tell you?" I said getting angry and ripping out of his grip he had on me. "You have 5 fucking seconds to tell me where the fuck she is or you die right here." he said steam coming from his ears. "Do it!" I challenged. What the fuck is wrong with me? I don't wanna die today, or any time soon for that matter. "Fine, you asked for it." He put the knife up to my throat and as he was about to kill me Jamie I guess woke up and started screaming. I looked at Jason and he looked at me, then he ran the way the screams were coming from.


I heard a scream. I know that scream. That's Jamie. Hold on baby girl, daddy's coming. I said and ran in that direction. The screams got closer and closer until I found Jamie, being beaten by some dude. I couldn't see his face. "Shut the hell up!" He yelled at Jamie. "Don't you dare talk to her like that." I shouted making the random dude turn around. "Well, if it isn't Jason Mccann?" he said smirking at me and slapped Jamie once more before walking over to me.

"Don't touch her again or I swear to god I will-" "You'll what, kill me?" "Don't tempt me. I am very damn well capable of killing your ass right here, and I might as well just do it." I said clutching and unclutching my fists. "Do it." he challenged. I pulled out my gun from the back of my pants and pulled the trigger and killed the bastard in one solid move.

I ran over to Jamie and pulled her head into my lap. "Jamie, it's me daddy, sweetheart it's gonna be okay." I think I said more to myself than to her. "D-daddy?" she said crying really hard. "Yes sweetheart, it's daddy." I said crying and holding her in my arms. "Daddy is going to take you to the doctor okay?" She just nodded her head.

I picked her up holding her in my arms and kissing her forehead all the way to the car. I put her in the backseat and I quickly got in the front. I started the car and sped to the nearest hospital. "Somebody help me please!" I yelled running in with Jamie in my arms. Jamie had passed out on the way here and I kept talking to her until somebody took her from me and took her to the E.R. I tried to go with her, but they wouldn't let me. I sat in the waiting room and called Rachel.


R: OMG where is my baby?!

J:Come to the hospital

R: What why?

J: Babe, just come

Was all I said before hanging up. I sat in the waiting room for about 10 minuets before the doctor came out. "Jamie Mccann?" the doctor said. I quickly stood up and he made his way over to me. "Mr. Mccan , we have bad news. Your daughter is............................"  

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