Your Fault

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"This is your fault!" I yelled pointing at him. He just stood there looking at what he just did. His face was spelled out shock, and he actually looked guilty for what he had done. "Rachel?" he whispered. He walked forward, dropping the gun. "Rachel?" he said a little louder. "Rachel!" he yelled running towards her. "Rachel, no you can't be, you can't be." he said crouching down to her level, pulling her head into his lap. 'Rachel, come on baby, breathe. Just breathe deep and everything will be okay." he said crying and trying to get her to speak, but it was too late. She was gone.


I shot up with beads of sweat running down my face, and I was breathing heavy. I felt something move beside me, which made me quickly turn my head in that direction and I saw a small figure, moving to look at me. "Jason you okay?" she asked looking at me. I almost fell of the small hospital bed that we were sitting on. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said still trying to breathe normally. "You sure? and where is Lance?" she asked. I tensed up at the name of her brother. I still haven't told her that her brother is gone, but I wasn't the one who did it. It was the leader of the other gang that just so happened to find out I was there. Everyone wants to kill me, so when they find out someone is fighting me, they come right away and try to help kill me. "Jason?" she said waving a hand in my face. "Yeah?" I asked "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine, like I said." Okay so maybe I'm not all that great right now. I just needed a breather, so I got up and walked towards the door, only to have to turn back around because, I left my phone on the table next to her bed. I turned around and she was looking at me, trying to say something without actually having to say it. "I have to umm...... go take a breather, I'll be back." I said kissing her forehead and walking away.


I'm in so much pain, it's not even funny. it's not just physical pain either, it's emotional and mental pain also. I think I'm actually starting to fall for Jason McCann. No it's not possible, I can't be falling for him. Oh my headache is coming back. I wanted to stay awake and wait for Jason to come back, but I don't think that's going to happen, because last thing I remember is everything going black.


"Rachel, wake up." a masculine voice said "No, leave me alone." I said turning in the opposite direction. I heard footsteps walking around to the side of the bed I turned towards. "Get up." he said. Does he think he can just command me to move like I'm a fucking robot or something? Not gonna happen. I opened my eyes and looked in front of me. I had to blink a couple of times because my vision was blurry. I saw Jason standing right there looking down at me. "Really Jason??? Really, standing over me, do you think that is going to scare me?" I asked looking up at him like he was crazy "No, I was just hoping it would persuade you to get up cause you're free to go." he said smiling and dropping a bag of I guess clothes onto the table next to me. I got up and when to the bathroom and put on this and came back out. I actually liked the outfit, it suited me. Jason either has really good taste, or just pays attention to what I wear. "You have good taste. Are you sure your not gay?" I asked smirking "No I'm not gay Rachel." he said getting red in the face. "Well then you just have good taste, or you have been stalking my closet, cause I swear I have the same shirt in my closet." I said looking down examining my shirt and then looking up at Jason who had a smirk on his face.

"Did you attack my closet?" I asked. He just nodded. "Did you put everything back where it was when you found what you were looking for?" I asked. He shuck his head. "Jason!" I yelled at hit his arm playfully. "Ouch." he said grabbing his arm "Too hard?" I asked, and he just simply nodded. "Sorry didn't mean for it to hurt. I'm just strong I guess." I stated. He nodded and then just grabbed my hand and laced his fingers into mine. I would be lying f I said I didn't feel anything so I'm not going to say anything. But I guess Jason felt it too because as soon as his fingers laced with mine he turned to me and smiled. I looked down and blushed and walked with his to his car.

"Hey Jason?" I asked. "Yeah?" "I have something to tell you." I said looking down and suddenly finding my fingers very interesting. "Okay, tell me." he said. "I think I'm starting to like you." I said barely audible. "I'm sorry I can't hear you, what did you say?" he said "I said I think I'm starting to like you." I said a little louder. "What?" he smirked. Okay know I think he's playing with me. "I said I think I'm starting to like you." I said loud enough for the people on mars to hear. He just looked ahead and his hands tightened on the steering wheel his knuckles turning white. "Jason?" I asked "Jason?" I said reaching over and putting a comforting hand on his cheek. "Jason look at me." He looked at me when we stopped at a read light. "What?" he said through gritted teeth. "I said I think I like you. Is that so bad?" I asked confused at the fact that this is a problem. "It's not you liking me that's a problem. It's the fact that..................."


What do you think he is going to say?????? Comment what you think and I might have a contest I don't know

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