Everything's gonna be alright

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'Everything's gonna be alright' I heard

"Through the long night
and the bright lights
don't you worry
Everything's gonna be alright"

I just listened to the angelic voice. It was so beautiful. I just wanted to know who it was. I opened my eyes and yawned. Whoa, this isn't my room, or Jason's room. I looked around and saw white everywhere. A few machines here and there. I saw a figure laying on the couch across the room and I heard beeping. Why is there beeping? Where am I? Where is Jason? Help.

"Jason?" I whispered. No answer. Okay, let's see if I can muster enough strength to talk louder.

"Jason?" I said louder. I saw the figure on the couch move. "Jason!" I screamed and quickly regretted it.

The object shot up and fell on the floor with a loud thud. I giggled and he sat up mumbling a string of cuss words while rubbing his ass. He looked over in my direction. "Hey Rachel." he said nonchalantly.


"OMG Rachel! You're alive! I'm so sorry for what happened." he said getting up and walking towards me. He sat on my bed and leaned in and kissed me. I was surprised that he would kiss me after what happened.

"Why am I here?" I asked curiously

"Umm.....well.....see what had happened was...." he said

"No Jason, don't give me that....what had happened was shit, what happened?"

"Well you were sorta kinda.........shot."

My mouth just hung open. "I got shot!?" I yelled, not caring about the unbearable pain in my arm and throat.

"Yes Rachel, you got shot. But don't strain yourself. I'm so so so so so sooo sorry that this happened to you." he said

"It's okay but, where's Lance?" I asked

I could suddenly see Jason tense up at the name of Lance. "He's here." he said coldly before walking away.


"Rachel!" I screamed when I saw her hit the floor. He was standing right behind her...................


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