What's Wrong?

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You guys look so cute, but that's not going to last. He is just using you so because, your his snitch to your gang about everything, and when he gets what he wants, he will drop you like a fly. Don't say I didn't warn you. -Anonymous

I just froze in my place and stared at the text. I think I heard Jason calling my name but I didn't pay attention. All that I heard and see is the silence of the air and the text on my phone. I felt lightheaded and I pushed Jason off of me. He gave me a quizzical look and I just ran off. I turned back and looked at Jason who was running after me. I was faster than him so I just sprinted to the nearest place and ran inside. I ran to the bathroom inside and locked the door. I heard banging at the door and Jason's voice yelling at me to open the door. I just slid down the door and looked in front of me. I didn't notice that I had started crying until I felt something wet drip on my hands. I slid to the other side of the bathroom and sat in the corner and cried my eyes out. I heard rattling of keys and the lock opening and in came Jason, he ran over to me and pulled me into his lap.

"Babe what's wrong?" he asked gently stroking my hair. "It's........he............I didn't...........I can't say........he's gonna get me...........he says your lying to me.......and that you are only using me." I sobbed out. "Who said that?" he said " I don't know. He sent it without a name." "I would never use you. I love you too much. I just wouldn't admit it in the beginning because, I didn't know if my feelings were true but now I know. "Thank you Jason." He said as he rocked us back and forth singing a song by one direction.

I won't lie. I like One Direction, and this song at this moment means the most to me. "Jason?" I said looking up at him. "Yes?" he said looking down at me. "We should probably get out of here." I said motioning to the current situation that we were in. "Yeah, I totally agree, it smells like feet and bad food." he said making a face. I just giggled at him and got up off his lap holding my hand out for him to grab. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down to him and our lips met. Oh My God. It felt like everything was right and in the place that it was supposed to be. I pulled away and looked at Jason with a huge smile on my face. I stood up again and pulled him up with me and walked out of the bathroom. I stopped and Jason bumped into me and I turned around and looked at Jason. "Why did you stop?" he asked "Because, I'm hungry." I just noticed that we were at McDonalds and I wanted a McNugget meal. "Okay, what do you want?" he asked "McNuggets." I said and smiled a big goofy smile. "Okay, can I have a chicken Mcnugget please?" he said to the cashier. "That all for you?" she said flirting with him. "Yes." he said emotionless and pulled his wallet out of his pocket and, pulled out a 20 and gave it to her. "Keep the change." he said


"Babe, they are sending them to me again." I said looking at my phone. If you didn't know it's been 3 years and I still get these messages daily. I found out who they are from. It's from Jason's enemy Marco, he hates Jason's guts to a maximum. "Let me see." he said taking the phone from my grasp

I see you and guess what? I don't like what I see. I warned you and now your gonna get it. If you showed Jason or he knows about this you die. Well see you later princess. - Marco

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