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Where the hell is Jason? I have been calling him for the past 3 hours. He said he would be home 2 hours ago. Where the hell is- "I'm home." Jason said walking inside. I let out a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding, and I saw Jason walk past with and object in his hands. "Jason, what is that?" I asked walking towards him. He laid the object on the couch and it was a girl.

"Jason who the hell is this?!" I yelled furious. How could he bring another women into my house, and think it was okay? "It's a girl." "I didn't notice." I said throwing my hands in the air. He walked over to her and took off her hoodie. She was wearing nothing but a short shirt and a bra.

"Jason. what the fuck are you doing?" I yelled furious that he was undressing some women that he just met, in my house, on my couch. Bitch I think not. "Who the fuck is she, and what is she doing in my house?!" I yelled. Jason stood up and walked over to me getting in my face. I could tell he was angry. He looked at me for a good 20 seconds before speaking. "This is Nova." he simply said. "Okay so you know the chicks name, now tell me who the fuck she is!" I demanded. "Nova is my sister." he said and walked away.

Okay, so I felt bad thinking Jason was cheating on me with his sister. But come on you would do the same thing if your boyfriend walked into the house holding a girl in his arms and didn't say a word. Am I right? I know I am.


I was tied up to something, and I didn't know what it was. But it was hella painful. My eyes fluttered open and I saw nothing but a desk lamp. "Hello?" I said looking around for anybody. "Well, it's nice to see that you are awake Nova." The voice said "Who are you?" I asked "Somebody that you know very well." the voice said. It was a male, and the voice sounded so familiar, but I couldn't pin point it. "Who are you, and I want a name." I said, struggling to get out of the ropes. "Oh, sweetheart you aren't going anywhere so you can stop trying, and it's me." He said walking into the light.

My eyes almost popped out of my head. "Why am I here?" I asked "Because, you hurt me so now I hurt you, but first-" he walked towards me and slapped me across the face. "-you're going to answer some questions for me." I looked up at him through the hair in my face. "Why should I answer question for you, when you never answered question I asked you years ago?" "Because, I didn't have a choice for what happened to you!" he yelled getting red in the face. "I wanted to stop what was happening to you, but I couldn't! I tried but he told me that if I moved, I would die and so would you! Did you want to die? Huh? Did you?" he yelled with tears streaming down his face. "No." I whispered.

I looked down and started crying, thinking about the fact that they would kill both of us. I just thought he didn't care. He did care but he couldn't move. "They held me at gunpoint. You just couldn't see the gun because it was behind me, aimed at my heart. I loved you, and I still do. The way you have been treating me, makes me feel like you never loved me." He said staring me in the eye. I was looking for any indication that he was lying, but he wasn't. Jason Mccan WASN'T lying. The first time in years, Jason Mccann wasn't lying. He actually cared about me. I just thought he never cared because he watched me get beat up. "I love you Nova." "I love you too Jason." he walked over and hugged me than walked away, and never looked back.  

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