《Chapter 1》

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"You know, it'd be nice if you actually looked at me for once."

I exhaled harshly, making sure it was loud enough to hear, as I drew my attention from where I'd previously been staring to instead lock gazes with the green eyed girl sitting across from me at the table.

"Lauren," I addressed her with a sigh, but soon changed it into a smirk for the purpose of my next remark when I decided to play with her for a bit, "gosh, you aren't jelly are you?" I emphasized my question with a cheeky wiggle of my eyebrows as I placed my sandwich down on my lunchbox and watched as Lauren made use of her typical dismissal; a roll of the eyes.

"I mean, what kind of friend would I be if I wasn't jealous when my friend never gives me attention?" She huffed, with her lips spreading into a playful grin. I shot back a huff of my own, crossing my arms over my chest and choosing to keep playing with the black haired girl.

"Oh please," I scoffed deliberately, leaning further into the table and narrowing my eyes, "I give you plenty of attention."

"Like?" Lauren challenged, mimicking my actions so that her arms were also crossed after she'd raised an eyebrow.

"I sit with you every lunch." I retorted just as quickly as she had.

"Maybe that would mean a  lot more if you didn't spend every second of our breaks staring at Cabello." I hung my head at her statement, finally admitting defeat. There was no way I could deny that.  Lauren chuckled out as I gave up, fixing my stare back on Camila; who was eating her lunch with Normani and Dinah.

They were by far the most popular in the entire school, and luckily for me, they sat at the table right in the middle of the cafeteria. I never really wanted to be the popular kid, but since Camila was, I had wished for something along those lines; if it ever gave me the chance to be friends or at least talk with her.

I tried to stop myself, but couldn't stop my eyes from trailing down to watch her lips as she talked and laughed happily with her friends. Yep, I was definitely going to hell.

  "You could at least make it a little more discreet." The green eyed girl teased, moving so that her head broke off constant staring. 

"Fuck you Laur." I finally responded to her teasing, yet still didn't take my eyes off of Camila.

"Fight me, Y/N." Lauren poked her tongue out at me at the same time she brought her hand up to flip me off. "Besides, I don't know why you insist on staring at her constantly. You know you can't have it because of him." She added the last bit after another moment of silence. I could only shrug in reply.

"I know." There was a familiar heavy feeling in my heart at the image of him in my head. And unfortunately, after having that thought in my head, it was only a minute later until he arrived at their table. "Speak of the devil, here he is." I grumbled unhappily to Lauren, who only rolled her eyes.

I didn't want to watch, but I couldn't help but leave my eyes on Camila as she stood to greet him. Austin approached her the same way he always did; with leaning down for a quick kiss (that was the only part I did look away for). I did however, keep watching as he occupied his usual spot next to her and noticed something new.

When Lauren was way too into eating her sandwich again, I let my eyes trail down to see underneath their table, and Austin was reaching over to take Camila's hand in his own. However, she had yanked her hand away quite forcibly to shove it into her pocket before he could grab it. I still thought nothing of it though, it was quite chilly today, so her hands would have been cold.

My thoughts were interrupted when the bell rang loudly throughout the hallways of the school, the noise then accompanied by a lengthy groan from the girl across from me.

"Hey, at least we have the next class together." I prompted, trying to get her at least a little bit enthusiastic for the next lesson.

"And that is supposed to get me excited because...?" Lauren trailed off innocently as she stood and slung her backpack over her shoulder.

"Oh shut the fuck up." I only rolled my eyes as I walked around the table to punch her arm and walk quickly after her when she began trudging off to class without a second look to see if I was following.


History was a lot more bearable with Lauren there; as always. I did, however, receive a lunch detention due to my excessive laughing that interrupted class(it was Lauren's fault, she kept on making remarks that made me giggle so hard until I'd snort). I would beat her up later for it, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't slightly disappointed by the fact that I didn't get to see Camila during the lunch break.

But, when the bell rang to signal the end of lunch, I didn't waste anytime with standing up and pulling my bag after me to rush to my next class. Maths was one of the only classes that I actually enjoyed. Not because I was good at it; god no. As much as Maths sucks and I should hate it, I've always had a good view from my seat in the back of the class.

I entered the room quietly, making my way to my usual seat. As I plopped my bag down and took my seat, I saw that the girl I usually sat next to engrossed in whatever was happening on her phone. Instead of offering a greeting, I only brought out my book and settled, waiting for the moment where Camila walks in and takes her spot up the front of the class that is at the perfect angle for admiring.

I would be lying if I try and say that I don't take any opportunity I can to stare but, c'mon, who wouldn't?

So I watched as Camila walked in the classroom, straight past her desk and across the room to lean over Dinah's instead. I could have sworn the brunette shot a fleeting glance in the direction of the girl next to me as she leaned in to whisper something to Dinah.

As the taller girl leaned back into her chair and pulled out her phone, I expected Camila to walk back over to take her seat, but she didn't move; she only crossed her arms and waited for something.

I wasn't sure what, but I eventually figured it out.

My attention was brought back to my right as the girl beside me got a notification on her phone. I thought nothing of it until she suddenly picked up her bag and relocated herself off to the front of the classroom, and I responded by checking to see if I smelled too bad. I didn't, so I was very confused; that is, until Camila started shuffling down to the back in my direction. That had me quickly changing my face and air so it didn't seem like I was checking her out and watching everything she was doing just now.

Something clicked in my brain, and I finally realised what had just happened as I watched Camila stop next to the now empty seat beside me and lower herself so she was sitting comfortably, stretching out. She gave me a side glance along with a smirk, leaving me hoping that at least some of my ovaries were still there. When Camila spoke, it oozed the same confidence that always showed in everything she did.

"...Hey Y/N."


A/N ; YASsssssssssss. Alright so here we go, new beginnings, new stories, new shit. I love it i love it yas.

Okay, now I got the stuff that wasn't english out ^^^^^, I'll talk like a normal person... Type like a normal person? Waht

This is a story I'm very excited for, I've gotten a lot set out already and I have great ideas PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE. I'll try and update when I can because I can't wait to see what people think about where I'm headed with this shit.

It's just a short + swit chapter to get us started and eXCiTED HopE FULL Y???

Btw it's not like I don't have spare time bECAUSE I FUcKING GRADUATED THIS mORNiNG ?? ((IM highkey prying help))

Anyway, let me know what you think and have a sick day dog.

p.s if theres any mistakes how about u kill me bcuz im human okay whoops bye

*dabs* (lowkey dabbed as i was walking off of the stage of my graduation this morning my paronts r so proud)

Ally out

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