Chapter 16 ~Wiped Away~

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           Singh woke up to the familiar room but something was different. He groaned and shook his head still feeling slight pain in his head. "What did we say Singh?" He looked up and saw Roger standing there with a smirk on his face. "I said to not try to escape, and yet, that's what you do." Singh hissed and looked down not wanting to deal with Roger for the moment. "Oh, you don't seem to care, well you will in a second after we get done with you." And he heard him walk out of the room.

           Singh looked up when he felt the restraints on him tightened and he hissed trying to move his hands but it didn't work. "Send in the Marines." Roger said and Singh looked around seeing three Marines walk in. But one pushed a crate that had something that glowed green inside. He watched them stop beside him and he hissed when one of them touched his side but the Marine didn't flinch but instead touched a few more spots on his neck before saying to the others, "Behind his neck into a soft spot, should be able to let the serum to transfer into his brain." Singh hissed and growled not knowing what they meant but whatever it is, he sure didn't like it.

           He hissed in pain when he felt a needle enter his neck and he growled and shook his head trying to get it off but it didn't help. Singh felt something being inserted into his blood knowing it was some kind of liquid or serum, whatever those people called it. He hissed again when he felt a quick shot of pain in his head and he shook his head almost knocking down the men. He screeched and shook against the restraints but slowly, his body calmed down and his head dropped down. The men nodded to each other and Singh didn't even look up or noticed they walked out of the room. But when he calmed down enough and opened his eyes, he felt, different.

          He looked around seeing that everything was blurry but he could still make out shapes and colors. He looked down at his hands and slowly moved them. He looked back up and around the room seeing only a blur of white around the whole room, besides a bit of a black blur from the shadows. He groaned and shook his head not feeling different but when he looked up, seeing a shadow move and he hissed in a warning. But the shadow was gone in a second and he calmed and looked down at the floor.

        But even though he didn't feel different besides his vision he realized something. He couldn't remember anything. His name, past life, how he got here, anything. He couldn't remember one thing about his life but he was broken out of his thoughts by a voice. "Hello Number 8, I'm Dr. Roger but I'm used to be known as your worst nightmare, but I hope we will get along just fine."

Sorry it took me a while to write this! Since I'm out of school for a week for Thanksgiving break, I hope I'll be able to write more. Anyway.....

Will Singh remember something or will he forget everything in his life?

Find out soon!


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