Oh My God

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Ok, on Friday I was at coming home from school and as my grandma was driving us home, I was looking out the window at the woods since I live near where there is a lot of trees.


I saw a f*cking clown in the woods! It scared the sh*t out of me! And it just stared at my car as we drove off. Omg it scared the hell out of me! And it was only a few blocks away from my school! I was going to take a picture but I told my grandma to speed up cause I didn't want to be anywhere near the f*cking clown! And before we sped up, it just slowly walked away!

I'm so telling the school on Monday!

I was never so scared in my life!

I used to hate clowns, but now I'm f*cking afraid of them!

A Xenomorph's Child [2] ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن